Plans Change

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"We allied with both the Sandwings and the Rainwings. Other than those tribes we have around a hundred other members, most of which are hybrids with the odd other dragon. This is the closest thing to a safe haven there is for them. We have run out of room here." That explained all the Sandwings and Rainwings flying around. "We were going to start ours plans in week but all of you are here so, our plans have changed. We start now." Feather led them along the top ridge. Phantom noticed that she hadn't left Crimson's side since she found her. Right now she still had one wing wrapped around her. Right at Crimson's tail was their interesting Rainwing guide, seemingly oblivious to the spikes swinging claw lengths from him. A -literally- smoking Saphira stalked behind them with Abyss beside her. Jewel and Crystal walked beside each other, whispering. Frigid just walked in silence beside Phantom with the terrifyingly large rainbow dragon at the very back. "Just what is your plan?" Phantom inquired. He really hoped it didn't include war. They had a war ten years ago, on that had lasted twenty years. It had only stopped when five dragonets from different tribes had made a meeting between the tribes and chose the Sandwing queen. Feather looked over her shoulder at him. "We're going to have a meeting. If goes well, we're lucky. If not, we might have just started another war." She said so casually it was ridiculous. Just then three little dragonets ran across in front of them. They were tiny and laughing. "THEY'RE SO CUTE!" Crystal squealed and both her and Jewel darted up front to see them. "Aren't they?" Feather asked, picking one up. She giggled happily and reached for Feathers horns. Feather passed her to Crimson who cradled her happily. "We have lots of new hatchlings here, lots of parents looking for somewhere safe for their dragonets show up here. These little ones are half Mudwing and half Seawing. The one Crimson's holding? Her name is Reef. The other two are her brothers Mudkip and Ripple." "I'm so sorry; they just got away from me!" A breathless Seawing ran up to them. "Its fine Archipelago, I don't think they were a bother." She motioned at Jewel and Crystal who were still fawning over the adorable dragonets. "Archipelago came with his eggs and their mother, Cocoa, and soon became one of our messengers. He's now the primary messenger I send to the Rainwings." "SANDSTORM!!!! YOU GET YOUR SNAIL BRAINED TAIL END BACK HERE!" The roar nearly burst Phantoms ear drums. That dragon had a set of lungs on her. A terrified Sandwing darted over them and into a side cave. A rainbow and black Rainwing Nightwing hybrid soared over them, her face in a rage. She noticed them, gave them a psychotic grin, and darted after the Sandwing. Feather looked like she was trying not to laugh. "That was Insomnia. We have dragons of all breeds, ages, and personalities here, as you can see." "This place is amazing..." Abyss whispered next to Phantom. He glanced over at her to see her eyes wide and filled with amazement as she gazed around. They were also filled with something else, was that....hope? He wasn't sure because she shifted her head, covering it in shadows as she lowered it slightly. "Is there a Seawing here named Reflection?" She questioned Feather. Feather thought for a moment. "I don't believe so, no. Why?" "Nothing, just someone I'm looking for." She said, waving it off. To any other dragon, she would have sounded just curious. But Phantom knew her. That dragon was important; could he really be the only one who noticed? The only one who heard the disappointment in her voice at Feather's answer? Apparently not, because Crimson shot her an 'I'm so sorry' look. Normally he was okay with their close bond, with their secrets but for some reason, this time it bothered him. He was annoyed that he didn't know who a dragon that important to her was. He wanted to make her smile again. He also wanted to bang his head repeatedly into a wall for getting so close to his friends to feel like that. "Are you okay? You look like you just found out someone froze you to the ceiling." Abyss commented. He tried to imagine his face and started laughing. She frowned at him. "You're insane, you know that?" She asked. He grinned at her. "Of course I do! Whatever made you question that fact?" She rolled her eyes. "Aww, come on! Smile! That was funny! And true!" She shook her head in exasperation but smiled slightly. He felt triumphant, then felt like banging his head again. Gah!!! What was it with her always being able to confuse him, even when she wasn't trying! "If no one minds, I'd like to catch up with my sister. Spectrum can show you somewhere to stay. And Jace, you should probably head back to the rainforest." Jace just shrugged and said "Nah, I'll stick around for a while." Crimson looked briefly like she might strangle him. Or hug him. Maybe both? Phantom couldn't be sure. There were chorus' of 'Yeah's 'Yes's and 'Sure's from everyone. Everyone except Saphira, that is. She just glared at Spectrum, like she might strangle him in his sleep. Great, he now had two homicidal friends. Today was going great, just great.

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