that weird moment when u think abt ur bestie n that you've got a crush on them

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they are 18, in hs lane is older by like a few months

had to put the song cause duh (4/8/24)

I've realized this story still had like 20 spelling and grammar mistakes but oh well (6/14/24)

No One's POV:

It was morning, and Ezra was still in his bed. He hadn't been able to sleep, and at this point he'd given up on trying to, so he got on his phone instead. What do I do now? It's wasn't like he had anything to check since his phone drier was drier than the author's jokes. But out of the blue he thought of him again. Lane. The guy had been his best friend since they were born, but eight years ago the idea of being more than friends started to pop up in his head more often. The thought of him filled him with warmth, but also sadness.

For eight years he had to hide his true feelings, watching him with other girls who didn't know jack shit about him, thinking and hoping that someday one of those girls would be him instead. Yet he knew that would never happen since he was just about the straightest guy know to man.

He'd tried hooking up with other guy's around the school to help the pain, but it didn't work, they weren't him. They didn't have those hazel eyes, jet black hair, that perfectly tan skin and his freckles. But most of all the smile. That was what always got him, that bright, perfect, toothy smug ass grin that gave him butterflies every time he saw him.

But then he had another idea, a stupid idea, but still, and idea. He was pretty sure it wasn't a good time to do this, but he didn't care, he decided he needed to get this off his chest. So he picked up his phone and called him and the phone rang a few seconds before he picked up.

"Hello?" Lane said, drowsiness clearly still visible in his voice from just waking up.

"Hey," he paused, "Can I come over?"

"Ezra you know you can come anytime, so why are you asking now? What's wrong?" the other said with a frown.

"Nothings wrong... I just need to tell you something."

But then there was silence for a second. Then snoring.

"Lane? Oh my fucking God. Did you fucking fall asleep?"

The other yelped from the other side,"Wha- no, I was just, um, resting my eyes....?"

God, that boy could sleep through a hurricane.

"Oh, for fucks sake wake up, I'm coming over." How did he ever fall in love with this idiot?

Lane yawned for a second, then said "Dude, I love you and all. But it's like 7 in the morning, the sun is barely up, and it's Saturday. Can't it wait just a little longer?"

"No, you fucktard," Ezra said, as he rolled his eyes "And for the record," he checked his phone, "it's 12:30, get up, open your curtains, I'm on my way."

"Ugh, whatever. You're so mean." he said in his best British voice.

But he was cut off by the sound of the phone hanging up.

Lane sat there in his bed, quite confused and concerned about the urgency in his best friend's voice, hoping he was okay.


Ezra was now in his car, sitting in the latter's apartment driveway, trying to prepare himself for what he needed to do and what might happen. After about five minutes, he got out of his car and knocked on the door to his apartment. "This is it," He thought, "It's now or never."

Lane opened the door, and he walked in. And they went up to his room like they always did, Lane still on his bed, Ezra on the blue beanbag chair.

There was silence for a second, which was unusual for the both of them.

Oh fuck it, might as well get this shit over with.

So Ezra took it upon himself to spit out the very few, but extremely specific words he'd been hold in since middle school. 



"I like you."

"I like you too bro."

"No you fucker, I like like you, and I have for a while."


"Lane? Please answer. Please. It's okay if you don't like me back. I'm still the same guy you've known for years."

More silence.

he was starting to tear up and his voice was starting to shake. "Please, Lane," and then the tears came, one after another and they didn't feel like they would stop anytime soon. "Come on, don't leave me without an answer. It's okay if you don't like me back we can still be friends..."

At that point it had felt like the silence was lingering in the air for hours,
"He hates me now... doesn't he?" His brain was coming up with every horrible scenario possible, "He thinks I'm disgusting doesn't he, I knew I shouldn't have done this. Fuck." Ezra tried to compose himself even though his heart was beating two times faster then usual, his body heavy and shaking. But then before he knew it, as he was getting up to leave, he felt another pair of lips on his, hands his waist and all. That's when it hit him, Lane was kissing him? Wait... LANE WAS FUCKING KISSING HIM?!? The boy was stunned, his head and heart instantly filling with happiness and joy as he shook out of the stunned state, embracing the kiss.

And it felt like heaven. It felt as if nothing else had mattered in that moment. But that didn't last too long as the two pulled away for air, and suddenly he felt that his tears had dried.

"So, I'm guessing you like me too?"

Ezra asked smiling, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. 

"Yeah, I do," Lane responded with a small laugh. "I have for, how did you say it? 'A hell of a long time.' " 

"Oh fuck off." 

"Oh, how rude of you, our first kiss and I'm still getting bullied." he pouted 



"Just shut up and kiss me again you dick."

"I thought never you'd ask."

( a / n: and then they kissed again and fireworks exploded they got married two years later adopted a dog and two kids and lived happily ever after; end was shit ik i'm sry i need to expand my vocabulary but oh well i did my best)

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