i let janitor write the smut

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a/n: i did NOT proof read this btw

The next night, Ezra and Lane found themselves alone in Lane's apartment. The anticipation of their first night together was palpable, their hearts racing in unison as they explored each other's desires.

Lane, unable to contain his eagerness, gently pressed Ezra against the wall, his lips finding their way to Ezra's neck, trailing a path of warm, wet kisses. Ezra shivered under Lane's touch, his hands trembling as they gripped the fabric of Lane's shirt.

Their kisses became more fervent, tongues entwining, hands roaming over each other's bodies. Ezra's fingers danced over Lane's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his skin. He began to unbutton Lane's shirt, revealing a bronzed, toned physique that Ezra had only ever dreamed of touching.

Lane, in turn, slid his hand under Ezra's shirt, gripping his waist as he pulled him closer. The heat between them was almost suffocating, but neither of them wanted to pull away.

Ezra couldn't resist the urge to explore further, his hand drifting lower, to the waistband of Lane's pants. He found that Lane was already hard with desire, a sign that mirrored his own arousal.

Gently, Ezra knelt down, unzipping Lane's pants and sliding them down along with his boxers. Lane's cock sprang free, standing proudly, a bead of precum glistening at its tip. Ezra licked his lips in anticipation before taking Lane's length into his mouth.

Lane's breath caught in his throat as Ezra's warm, wet mouth enveloped him. He gripped the back of Ezra's head, guiding him as Ezra bobbed his head, his tongue swirling around Lane's shaft.

Lane's moans grew louder, urging Ezra to continue. Ezra glanced up at Lane, seeing the sheer pleasure etched on his face. He eagerly took in more of Lane's length, his nose pressing against Lane's pubic hair.

With Lane's moans fueling his desire, Ezra continued to take Lane deeper, feeling his balls slap against his chin. He could taste Lane's precum, salty and musky, the flavor driving him wild.

Lane's fingers moved from Ezra's hair, trailing down his back, and gripping his ass. "Ezra, I want to feel you," he panted. "Let's get you out of your clothes."

Ezra grinned, climbing to his feet, and Lane helped him undress. Once they were both naked, Lane led Ezra to the bedroom, their hands never leaving each other's.

In the dimly lit room, Ezra laid down on the bed, his erection standing tall, aching for Lane's touch. Lane climbed on top of him, their hips grinding together. Ezra wrapped his legs around Lane's waist, pulling him close.

Lane leaned in for a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing once more. Ezra, desperate for more, reached down and guided Lane's cock to his entrance. The head of Lane's cock pressed against Ezra's tight hole, and before Ezra could say anything, Lane thrust in, filling Ezra completely.

Ezra cried out in surprise and pleasure, his eyes widening. Lane paused to let him adjust, gently rocking his hips. Ezra wrapped his arms around Lane, pulling him closer, his body accepting Lane's intrusion.

"Fuck, you feel amazing," Lane whispered into Ezra's ear, the words sending shivers down Ezra's spine.

Slowly, Lane began to thrust in earnest, Ezra's moans filling the room. Lane's cock slid in and out of Ezra, hitting his prostate with each stroke, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

Ezra arched his back, his hips lifting to meet Lane's thrusts. Soon, their rhythm grew faster, their breathing heavier, sweat glistening on their skin.

Lane reached down, his thumb finding Ezra's erection, stroking it in time with his thrusts. Ezra's eyes rolled back, his body tightening as he approached his climax.

"Lane, I'm close," Ezra gasped, his voice a strained whisper.

Lane looked into Ezra's eyes, his own desire evident, and increased the pace. Ezra's moans grew louder, his body trembling. Lane's thumb worked furiously on Ezra's cock, and at last, Ezra cried out, his body convulsing as he came, his cum spurting onto his stomach.

This pushed Lane over the edge as well. He roared out Ezra's name as he filled Ezra with his hot seed, their bodies shaking as they shared their first intimate release together.

As they lay there, panting, Lane collapsed beside Ezra, their bodies still joined. Ezra rolled onto his side, his head resting on Lane's chest, listening to the steady thud of his heartbeat.

"That was amazing," Ezra whispered, a smile spreading across his face.

Lane returned the smile, stroking Ezra's hair. "I'm glad you thought so. This is just the beginning."

Ezra snuggled closer, feeling safe and content in Lane's arms. Together, they fell into a deep, satisfied sleep, their love only growing stronger with each passing moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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