yeah i think im gonna let it write more chapters

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a/n: i just wanna see how it goes

In the days that followed their unexpected confession and first kiss, Ezra and Lane found themselves navigating a new dynamic that felt simultaneously exhilarating and surreal. Every stolen glance across classrooms, every touch that lingered a moment too long, seemed to affirm what they had finally acknowledged between them.

Their first official date was a nervous yet eagerly anticipated affair. Lane suggested a quaint little bistro downtown, a place they both knew well but had never visited together in quite this context. As they sat across from each other at a cozy corner table, the air between them was charged with a mixture of anticipation and relief.

Ezra couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that Lane had reciprocated his feelings. It was a relief to be able to hold his hand openly, to look into those familiar hazel eyes and know that Lane felt the same way—that this wasn't just a fleeting moment of affection but the beginning of something deeper.

"You know," Lane started with a soft smile, his fingers gently tracing patterns on the tabletop, "I always wondered when we'd finally figure this out."

Ezra chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders as he met Lane's gaze. "Yeah, me too. I guess we took the scenic route."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, a mix of reminiscing about old times and discussing hopes for the future. They shared stories about their childhood adventures, their dreams, and aspirations, each revelation bringing them closer together.

As the evening progressed, Ezra found himself falling even more deeply for Lane. It wasn't just the way Lane laughed at his jokes or the warmth in his eyes when he spoke about his passions—it was the way Lane made him feel seen and understood in a way no one else ever had.

When they finally left the bistro, the night air crisp around them, Ezra couldn't resist the urge to reach for Lane's hand as they walked. Lane's fingers intertwined with his own, a silent yet powerful affirmation of their newfound connection.

They strolled through the quiet streets, their laughter mingling with the soft murmur of the city around them. With every step, Ezra felt a sense of contentment settle over him, a certainty that they were embarking on a journey that was meant to be.

Back at Lane's apartment building, under the glow of the dimly lit hallway, they paused before saying goodnight. Ezra gazed at Lane, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and longing. Without hesitation, Lane leaned in, closing the distance between them and pressing a tender kiss to Ezra's lips.

It was a kiss filled with promise, a silent vow of everything they had yet to explore together. As they pulled back, their foreheads resting together, Ezra couldn't help but smile.

"So, what now?" Lane asked softly, his voice a mere whisper in the stillness of the night.

Ezra grinned, his heart overflowing with hope and anticipation. "Now, we see where this takes us."

And as they stood there, bathed in the warmth of each other's presence, Ezra knew that whatever lay ahead, they were ready to face it together.

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