Warm fire part 2(shoto x sakura♥️)

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Sakura! My queen!👑
My school is finally going to be over which means I have more time to type. I've been thinking of doing a regular timetable like a certain day I will post but we'll see.

As this continues on, my writing style will also probably change  . If you see any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes,  just know that my spelling is terrible.🙃
And I am lazy or sleepy so yeah.

But anyways, let me get started

3rd pov:

As Sakura and Fuyumi chatted while they where going to her house, Sakura bumped yet again on another human being.

"Kami! Why do I keep on bumping into things today!?" She hissed in pain as she fell to the floor while the other person managed to keep their balance.

"Sakura?" Shoto looked at her with disbelief, his eyes widen like sauces(this is a word right?), " Let me help you up!" He reached out a hand to her.

Natsuo's pov: ( i bet you didn't expect that:)

As I was on my way back home, I saw Shoto reaching out to help Sakura and a smug smile spread on my face. I saw that a blush was forming on his cheeks and he was smiling more than usual.

My little brother has a crush. hehe. I do do wonder if he knows that he has a crush on her.

I chuckled as I walked closer to the house.

Shoto's pov:

30 minutes before this happened

I checked my phone again.

I had sent her multiple massages and missed calls but she hasn't  responded back yet.

It must be tough being the head doctor. I thought just as Izuku (That's how you spell his name right?) tapped me on the shoulder.

"Todoroki, you're spacing out again." He said, he was the top hero while that mad dog was the second. I was third pro hero but I didn't care about rankings.

"Oh, sorry deku." I sighed as I checked my phone again.

"Why do you keep checking your phone dumbass." Bakugo yelled, clearly annoyed with my attitude these past few weeks, " We are pro heroes, icy hot!"

"Kannchan! Be nice to Todoroki!" Izuku scolded him.

"You wanna go Deku!?" He glared. I merely sighed, it wasn't always we got the same patrol timing but it so happened.

"Anyways, Todoroki! Congrats for your father. I heard that he stoped a hero killer when he was already thinking of retirement." Izuku said.

"Yeah, the old man is soon retiring but he is still as gusty as ever. Touya's incident changed him a lot." I shrugged before receiving a text from my sister saying that she went to get some good quality meat, I texted her a reply before switching off my phone. That mad dog and Deku were right, I've been staring at my phone for a reply for too long besides, Sakura may  be sleeping since it was late already.

" Oh! Our shift is up! See you guys then!" Izuku waved before rushing back to his agency. Bakugo just waved while walking, not bothering to look back and I went back as well.

"Hey Shoto-kun. How was patrol?" A junior female hero asked me. I just shrugged and walk away, now days all the female heroes in my agency had been trying to hit on me after they caught wind that I still did not have a girlfriend. I just ignored the rest of them and walked to the makes changing room where I changed out of my hero suit.

Being the top third hero is tough work and I didn't like the attention that the girls were giving me.

I casually walked out to the parking spot where I usually parked and opened the door to my car. Inside, I took out a few dango bags from my bag to give to a certain pinklette but she was probably still busy with her doctor work, she could have even become the top hero but she decided to be a hero doctor instead and I didn't want to disturb her so I decided to give to my sister if I didn't meet Sakura later.( Note that this will not be following what I have in mind for my UA book)

As I parked my car at my old man's parking spot, I had the bag of treats in my hand and walked to the front door where I bumped into a familiar pinklette who fell to the floor, I recognise.

"Sakura?" I looked at her with disbelief, my eyes widen in surprise, " Let me help you up!" I reached out my hand to her.

"Shoto-kun?" Sakura said and she stood up with his help, "My bad for bumping into you! I didn't notice."

"I should be the one apologising Sakura, I didn't see where I was going."I shyly smiled softly as I apologise.

Just then my brother came along and greeted us with a smirk on his face, "Better catch her before she becomes another man's." He smiled as he whispered those words that had me blushing like crazy.

Sakura's pov:

I noticed that Shoto's face was all red and my medic skills immediately kicked in.

"Shoto-kun. Are you alright?" I said as I placed my hand on his forehead and felt him heat up even more to her surprise, "Shoto! You're burning up!"

"No worries Sakura-chan." Natsuo chuckled as he patted her hair, "He tends to burn up in the winter."

and that's all for now :)
I can come up with millions of reasons why I didn't upload early but I will just sum it up
1. I'm busy
2. Im lazy
3. I'm sleepy
4. No Wi-Fi

Anyways,  happy belated birthday Jiraiya!

I wanted to upload this on 11 Nov but there were a few complications so yeah.

Thank you for reading and yes there will be part 3( this is taking a bit too long to complete😅)

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