Chapter one

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The wind was feverishly hot and dry, scrapping across my skin like sand paper.
My hair was dirty matted to my oily skin, caked with dirt and sweat.
How long has it been since I last took a shower?
A bath?
Ive lost track of time in the never ending darkness surrounding me.
Sometimes the darkness would start to fade, start to turn from inky black,  to darkest grey...
Sometimes, I could hear past the screaming silence.
Sometimes, I could hear voices from far away, pleading tones in their trembling voices.
I couldnt hear what they were saying.
Their voices were muffled as if coming from somewhere under water.
The blood rushing through my body was deafiningly loud, and I could only just hear the sounds of their voices. But I couldnt ask them to repeat their anguished pleas.
My mouth was heavy, leaded weights upon my face.
My eyes, were permanently shut. As if someone has sowed it shut with a needle and thread.
All I could do was lie as still as a corpse. Always so still...
And breathe.
That's all I ever seemed to do.
The wind burned over my skin once more,  and I gulped,  trying to will myself to move.
To call out to someone.
Anyone. I was trying my hardest, my best to wiggle a toe or something. I tried to lift a finger.
But nothing moved.
Not one limb or apendage even quivered.
It was as if my body refused to obey the orders that I was screaming down my nerve endings, to move, to do anything, damnit!
Even a fart would be welcome at this point. I just wanted this never ending nightmare to end.
To stop this never ending torment.
Or atleast take a break from it.
This relentlessly dark and hot as hell its self,  torment.
Slowly as time started to pass, I could feel myself sinking further into my mind, I could feel myself dissolving into nothing but memories and breaths.
Sometimes mocking memories would  dance across my minds eye.
Unknown faces that screamed and laughed and smiled at me.
Some memories were so misshapen, and so bazare they had to be dreams, or nightmares, for events such as those simply could never be reality.
Some memories were happy and bright, all smiles and muted fun, filled to the brim with blazing colours.
Other memories were grey and bland, and trully heart wrenching.
And yet, it was as new to me as if they belonged to someone else.
As if I was seeing them for the first time.
As if...
As if I never lived through them.
I was watching them mutedly,  as if I was watching an old black and white film.
And seeing that I could not, for the life of me remember anything, or move...anything... I was starting to think I was... That I might be dead...
Was this how it feels to be dead?
Am I in  never ending hell?
It couldnt be,  I know for sure I'm alive. I'm, almost seventy percent sure that I'm not dead, atleast not yet.
I mean...I'm breathing?
I-I think so... No...Yes. I am.
And when your dead you don't breathe right?
I cant remember any more.
I just, want this darkness to end.My mind was like a dark cave.
So deprived of life.
So barren.
So cold.
Somewhere,  in that cave, well, i mean my cave...?
I heard the sound of water,  a slow trickle echoing through the expance of my mind.

Perhaps I was quite literally brain washed?

I don't know how long I was lying there, wherever there was, but something didnt feel right.
There was something gathering in the back of my mind, a pressence building like a ball of light.
I could hear a faint static like- noise start to get louder and louder, followed by,  what sounded like electricity crackling.
It started as faint vibrations, but slowly, started building to a painfully shocking sensation unlike anything ive ever felt.
It was excruciating.
It blocked out any sound, any thought any,  internal moan or whimper I could think of.
Everything dissapeared, and all I could do was endure it.
What ever it was,  it was powerful.
And demanding.
Wordlessly it summoned me.
The current was pulling me in like the oceans tide, an ocean of electricity or fire, and I was a lone piece of drift wood.
Pulling me in deeper and deeper into the cave like expance of my mind.
It wanted me to find it, like a sirens call, luring me, most likely to my painful demise.
The mere thought of a change, any change, even one as permanent as death, was worth this pain.
This hell.
So, for the first time,  in what felt like forever,I felt myself move.
At first I was nothing but a cloud of dust, or mist drifting with the tide.
Slowly, I started to move down the dark, rough,  stone hallway.
Just, somehow knowing where to go.
It was so dark I couldnt tell where I was going.
I couldnt tell whether or not I was going up or down. It was confusing.
I was a floating ball of confused conciousness.
A ghostly figure in the darkness.
A shadow in my own mind.
A prisoner in a never ending maze -like prison. But as I drew closer to the source of light, of energy, I started to take on a humanoid form.
I was walking now,  all beit rather clumsily, I could feel myself start to take form.
I could feel  as my bones twisted and snapped, as my arms and legs started to grow. I could feel as each layer of skin was expanding over my new bones covered by muscle and fat and flesh. I could feel the blood start to rush through my arteries and veins. I started to feel the prickling sensations as my feet thumped on the ground rythmaticaly.
Feel every vibration as flesh made contact with stone.
The feel of the damp stones beneath my bare feet was delightfull. The pleasure of being whole again, was fading as a new sensation took its place.
A dull pain was starting to spread through out my limbs, piercing my nerves, as needle like pricks filled my whole being.
If I ever wondered how it felt to be a voodoo doll...I know now.
It wasn't pleasant at all.
I turned a corner, then another, and I noticed the darkness start to fade at the seems of my vision. Each dizzying step was taking me closer to this, entity, and with each step the darkness faded.
Looking down, I saw five toes staring up at me, and I smiled.
I was slowly turning  human again.
Slowly, finding myself.
When I looked up again, I couldnt help but gasp at the bright  ball of light shining blindingly  a few feet away from me.
It was begging me to touch it, its aura was beckoning me to come closer.
And I felt myself move faster than I thought i'd be able to, sprinting to the ball of light in a flash, my legs moved less like a childs first attempt at walking, and more swiftly, more efficiently.
I was sure I didnt make for a graceful sight, but I couldnt care less. All I cared about was reaching that light.
My body though, it cared a lot.
Lungs and limbs  protesting profusely, I came to a gasping hault infront of the ball of blazing light.
My eyes had adjusted to the light, and it was a warm,golden glow now, instead of a glaring white light.
Reaching out tentatively,I touched it with my fingertips,softly grasing its surface.
When an unfamiliar hum started, a pleasurable tingle shot through me,  I giggled in delight before grabbing onto it with both hands.
My hair fanned out around me, and I started levitating as gravity seemed to vanish into thin air for a few moments.
Time seemed to slow for a few breaths, as the electricity started crackling, and iridesent currents started to pulse from it, before time seemed to speed up again, and gravity re-appeared so suddenly I belly flopped onto the hard stone floor, I was gasping for breath as the air was knocked out of me, when everythung burst into white.

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