P r o l o g u e

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"This isn't a good idea Matteo, What if Dad finds out again? He's had enough of your antics for the eighteen years of your life you've been alive."

somehow Matteo convinced Mattea to help him spray paint the Drakos's son's Motorbike because Apollo, Matteo's best friend stole his Ferarri for a date. It was a really bad idea because the Salvatores and Drakos were having dinner right this minute and they could come home at any time.

"Come on Matteo, your taking ages to write asshole on a motorbike." He scoffs "Excuse me, Princess Perfect I know you don't get up to mischief, but it actually takes time and effort it's not spraying something." Matteo was the ass. 

Mattea started getting impatient "MATTEO MARCO SALVATORE I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP I WILL DRIVE HOME AND LEAVE YOU HERE TO WALK!" even though Matteo was older, he was still scared of his younger sister because she could easily get him in trouble with their parents. 

"Okay...... And done! Now we can go." I started the car and we drove home. When we arrived home Mr and Mrs Drakos were leaving "Hi Matteo and Mattea, How has your night been?" Mrs. Drakos asked while shaking our hands "Well let's just say tonight has been eventful, isn't that right Matty?" Matteo hated it when I called him that because it seemed like he had done something that he had.

"Yes tonight has been eventful, me and princess perfect went mini golf and I beat her twenty-one to two." I stepped on his shoes so hard "Oww Bitch!" He whispered in pain. Mr Drakos turned and spoke, "Don't worry Mattea, You'll get him next time." He said walking out the door.

Matteo and Mattea walked into the living room with their parents and sat down. "Afternoon kids, how has your night been?" Mattea was looking at Matteo smirking "Mother, Father, the son you have raised is not as perfect as me that is all I have to say." then Mattea walks up to her room. Midway on the stairs she heard her parents asking Matteo what he had done then continued walking up to her room.

She got changed into her black, smooth, and silky PJ set and lay in bed. A few minutes later Matteo came in her room. "Your so dead I swear, HOW DOES DAD ALREADY KNOW? WE JUST GOT HOME?" Mattea laughed so hard in his face "Maybe Mr. Drakos told him." he threw a pillow at her face "Matty it's not my fault you got caught, Don't you remember they have cameras right?" His face dropped "THEY HAVE CAMERAS? SINCE WHEN?" she smacked her head "SINCE YOU LIKE TO GRAFITTI EVERYTHING APOLLO HAS, now get out of my room or I'll call mother." 

He grabbed another pillow, threw it in her face, and ran away saying "BITCH!" she scoffed "What an asshole." she thought, then she heard a knock on the window. She got up and opened the window and it was Apollo. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead "Hey babe."......

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