The Lovebirds and The Heartbroken Friends

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The day before the first semester break for Lee's Summit High School students started, the six girls –Kenzie, Alexis, Katie, Carissa, Ariah, and Leah as usual were in the cafeteria – which seemed to be their base to just spend some time together before everyone went their separate ways. Next week, everyone has their own business to do.

"So, what are we gonna do during the break?" Carissa asked her friends while munching on French Fries - her favorite snack.

"We?" Ariah answered. "It looks like there won't be 'us' during the break. I definitely have to visit my grandma."

"Grandma, huh?" Leah answered. "Are you 16 years old? Or is your grandma going to be eaten by a wolf? And you're going to be the red hoodie girl?"

Leah's joke seemed to be able to create a quiet atmosphere all of a sudden. The girls' gazes turned to her with slight astonishment. Perhaps, they're more like, Was she trying to crack a joke as usual? Or what?

"Okay.. okay, I was just kidding, y'all. " Leah was embarrassed, so she gave up joking. But when she shut her mouth, the girls started to burst out laughing. "Geez, shut up, y'all!"

"Gosh, your face was so funny!" Alexis responded to Leah with laughter. "You should've seen that!" Then she came back to laugh but louder.

"Tch, whatever. Just keep on laughing at me. I'll be fine and stronger." Leah was trying to cheer herself up to hide her embarrassment inside.

The five of them except Leah were still laughing, until it was time for them to stop when a girl who they didn't really like, came to sit with them. The girl's name is Julia George. She has dark blonde hair with gray eye lenses. She is quite beautiful but a little annoying too.

"Hey, guys!" Julia sat down next to Alexis. "How are y'all?" Her tone sounded cheerful. However, for them, Julia is fake and loves to gossip with everyone and everywhere she likes to run her mouth with.

"Excuse me?" Kenzie replied. "Who are you?"

When the others heard Kenzie treated Julia like that, the girls apparently laughed but tried to hold it in.

"Oh? Seriously, Kenzie?" Julia shook her head so annoyingly. "I am Julia George. And of course, we know each other because we're in the same class. You remember now, pretty?"

"Oh? Do you even know how to joke? 'Cause earlier I was kidding."

"Of course, I do, honey," Julia held back her annoyance towards Kenzie.

"But too bad, when you joke, no one will laugh." Ariah seemed to be helping Kenzie to kick Julia out of their group.

When she heard Ariah's sarcastic remarks, about how no one would laugh when Julia joked, it seemed like she was able to make Leah clear her throat loudly. She felt that her jokes were just as unfunny as Julia's. Leah probably felt offended.

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