The Heartbroken Girl, The Heartbreaker, and The Betrayer

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It was indeed so sad to let the first semester break end just like that. Today is of course the first day of school where the second semester is coming up, which means graduation day will soon arrive for senior students of Lee's Summit.

This morning, Kenzie started the day with a cheerful smile. Maybe it was because her heart was blooming when a few days ago she had just gotten a man she thought she would never have. She thought that they would never get along as they threw some hatred for each other but suddenly they turned into lovers. It was really unexpected, especially when the girl began to grow love in her heart for him. She seemed unable to deny that feeling any longer.

Meanwhile, Katie was seen starting her day with a frowned face. The memory of her breakup a few days ago was the only reason why she didn't want to show such a cheerful smile. She still felt the pain in her heart. She just didn't expect that their separation would happen so quickly. And his sweet act on the day was actually something that she didn't want to happen. Because those memories are very painful. She would have preferred if he wanted to part with her not in a beautiful way for the last time. She didn't want to feel the torture at the fact that he couldn't be completely forgotten.

And the school bell suddenly began to ring. All the students rushed out of class and intended to eat lunch in the cafeteria. And several students such as Kenzie and the girls, were currently ordering each other's lunch. When the order was completed, the six of them took their seats in the corner as usual. And of course the activity that the girls will do while lunch is gossiping happily with each other.

"Guys, did y'all know that one of us has finally mingled?" Ariah started gossiping with the girls. Then Kenzie turned to Ariah, rolling her eyes, knowing that she would be the subject of her friends' gossip in a moment.

"Wow, who is that, by the way?" Alexis started to get intrigued by gossiping.

"Me, myself, and I." Kenzie finally spoke up before Ariah did.

"Wow, who is it? I mean, your new boyfriend?" Leah started commenting while taking a bite of her smoked sausage.

"David. He's my senior in the parkour community I took part in."

"Wow, he's older, huh?" Leah cracked her typical unfunny joke tone.

"Yes, of course, Leah."

"Well, why didn't you tell us earlier but Ariah only?" Alexis was curious about digging up further information.

"I wanted to but you know that I took a seat next to Carissa and in front row Ariah's seat." Kenzie explained.

"Well, I see why this girl has been silent all this time." Leah elbowed Carissa, who looked calm while staring at her cell phone screen. "It turns out she already knows everything."

"Yoo?" Carissa asked Leah like a slow thinker or even a deaf person.

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