The Betrayer Comes In Between The Heartbroken Girl And The Heart breaker

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In the afternoon after school, Kenzie and Brennan were still riding almost halfway to her house. Previously, there had not been a single conversation between them unless she told him her way home only. So, Brennan tried to liven up the atmosphere by inviting Kenzie to speak first.

"Kenzie?" Brennan's voice sounded like it was clashing with the wind. So, he was heard slightly raising his volume at her.

And Kenzie apparently did the same thing as he did where she half screamed. "Yes? What is it?"

"Are we kind of friends now?" Brennan was still trying to raise his voice. However, it seemed like she couldn't really hear anything he said.

"What? What were you saying?"

"Are we friends now, Kenzie?" Brennan raised his voice louder. And this time, it works.

"No!" Kenzie firmly rejected his friend request.

"Are you sure?"

"100 percent."

"Okay, how about you just get off here?" Brennan seemed to be starting to threaten.

"W.. what?? What did you just say?" Kenzie pretended not to hear anything earlier. Even though she did hear it very clearly.

"Get off here."

And sure enough, a few seconds later, Brennan turned off the engine of his motorbike in the middle of a quiet road. He didn't seem to be playing around with his threat.

"W.. what are you doing?" Kenzie was shocked by what he did to her. He seemed to want to throw Kenzie out of the back seat of his motorbike.

"I just don't wanna ride a girl home that I don't know. And you said you didn't wanna be my friend, right?" Brennan explained calmly. And that made Kenzie feel strange. Wasn't he offended by her earlier? Then why did he keep showing an attitude of no anger?

"Oh, apparently you're offended by me just because of that?" Kenzie started to get off his motorbike. "Up to you, then. I'll get off and walk on my feet only." Kenzie pointed to her feet then smirked before taking steps to leave. "Bye, Brennan."

"Wait!" Brennan caught her arm swiftly, then exhaled. "Okay, I was just kidding. Come on, go up."

Kenzie smiled triumphantly. "Fine, if that's what you want."

The next morning, as usual there was still school, because of course, it was Tuesday. One of the days that is still far from Friday or the weekend. And one of the students who goes to school at Lee's Summit, this morning still looked sleepy as if she wasn't enthusiastic enough to go.

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