It'd been a week since Aurelia's encounter with the enigmatic girl on the road. Seabrook's familiar sights and sounds had brought comfort and reassurance, yet the memory of that chilling encounter continued to haunt her.
"Ari?" Eliza looked at her friend with concern, "Ari!" She raised her voice slightly, attempting to get her attention. Aurelia was seated at the cafeteria table, staring blankly at the wall.
Zed placed a hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention. "You okay?" He asked, a trace of concern in his voice.
Plastering a fake smile on her face, she responded. "Yeah. I'm fine." She glanced at him, surprised by the obvious distress reflected in his eyes. "Sorry," she muttered, suddenly aware of her rudeness. "What were you saying?"
"Nothing," he said hastily, "Eliza was trying to talk to you."
"Oh. Sorry," she replied, turning towards the female zombie, "what were you saying?"
Eliza's brows furrowed, "Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting strange."
Aurelia gazed up at the ceiling, trying desperately to come up with a response. Her mind reeled.
All she wanted to do was forget about the girl and her piercing stare. She tried hard to push those memories aside, focusing on the here and now.
However, before Aurelia could respond a bunch of applause and shouts erupted throughout the cafeteria.
A big banner reading "ADDISON WILL YOU GO TO PRAWN WITH ME?" dangled from the cafeteria ceiling.
Aurelia shared a look with Elixa and Bonzo. She turned towards her friend, concern written across her face.
"It's nothing," Zed assured her, shrugging off her concern. "I'll catch you guys later."
With that, he grabbed his backpack and left the cafeteria, leaving a group of worried friends.
Aurelia stood hastily, grabbing her bag as well, anxious to follow him.
"Ari? Where are you going?" Eliza called after her.
"He doesn't need to be alone right now."
Eliza and Bonzo watched Aurelia disappear through the double doors.
Aurelia scanned the hallways for any sign of Zed. She needed to find him and make sure he was okay. The memory of the girl still lingered in her mind, but her concern for her friend took precedence.
Exiting the school, she made her way to the football feild.
The vibrant green expanse lay bathed in the gentle warmth of the afternoon sun.
She spotted Zed sitting alone on the sideline bench. She approached him cautiously. "Zed, are you alright?" she asked softly, concern etched on her face.
He looked up, managing a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, Ari. Just needed some fresh air."
Aurelia sat down beside him, studying his face. "You don't seem fine."
Zed sighed and looked at the ground. "I didn't think it would bug me anymore."
"Love is a struggle, especially when you're the only one fighting for it," she declared. The vulnerability in her voice was palpable, and her eyes mirrored the weight of her confession.
Zed couldn't help but let out a chuckle, a mixture of nostalgia and amusement. "So, I'm not alone, huh?"
"We all have our battles to fight," she reminded him. "But that doesn't mean we have to give up."
Zed looked up, a wry smile gracing his lips. He glanced around, as if searching for something. Finally, he turned back towards her, his expression serious.
"What was their name?" he asked solemnly.
"Jay," she uttered softly, the name carrying a weight of memories and emotions. Sharing her heartache felt oddly natural.
Together, they sat in a silence that spoke volumes, each carrying the weight of their past experiences and the unspoken hope of a brighter future.
"It gets better," Aurelia finally broke the silence with a whisper of comfort. Her words held the promise of healing, a reassuring breeze to soothe the storm within.
Zed gazed at her, periwinkle eyes reflecting his own vulnerability. His gratitude was palpable, as if her words had uncovered a hidden reservoir of strength within him. "Thanks, Ari. I appreciate that," he confessed, a softness in his eyes that spoke of newfound understanding.
Aurelia's reassuring smile was a beacon in the tranquility of that moment.

A Princess and A Zombie (A Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Descendants AU)
Fanfiction25 years ago, King Adam, also known as the Beast, forwent going on a honeymoon with Queen Belle in favor of uniting the fairy tale kingdoms. Thus creating the United States of Auradon. Auradon was divided into 18 reigons. Each region has their own...