"Do you really think this is a good idea Zed?" Eliza asked asked she looked around Bonzo's van. She was sat in between two very unhappy werewolves.
"They took our Great Alpha," Wyatt growled, his fists clenching.
"He's her brother," Eliza tried to reason with the werewolf.
"He could be her husband and it wouldn't matter to us."
Zed cleared his throat, "He's definitely not her husband," then her turned his head towards Eliza, "Yes, I'm sure this is a good idea."
"And how do you think the hundred of guards surrounding the castle will react?" She countered, her head tilted slightly.
Wynter, who was sat in the very back of the van, decided to answer Eliza's question. "Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood!"
Everyone in the van, including Bonzo turned to look at the she-wolf, "Too much?"
She received a chorus of "Uh-huh's" and "Yep's"
Wynter sunk back down into.her seat.
Zed scratched his head, contemplating Eliza's concern. She had a point about the castle guards, but he couldn't just sit idly by while Aurelia was stuck in Auradon.
"I know it's risky," Zed admitted, "but I can't leave Ari alone in there."
Eliza sighed, "What if she doesn't want rescued Zed? Auradon is her home."
"Would you give up if that was the person you loved?"
"You told me yourself she didn't want to go, that she didn't want to leave."
"And she didn't, but that doesn't mean we should try to kidnap her." Eliza tried to reason.
"It's not kidnapping if they're willing to leave." Willa stated, a smug smirk on her face.
Wyatt nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "We saw how happy she was in Seabrook, and how much she cares about Zed. She wouldn't stay willingly."
Zed's determination was unwavering. He knew the risks involved in attempting to rescue Aurelia from Auradon, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind. His love for her was stronger than any fear of consequences."Eliza, I can't just stand by and do nothing," Zed said, his voice filled with conviction. "Aurelia belongs with us in Seabrook, and I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back."
Eliza could see the determination in Zed's eyes, and she understood the depth of his feelings for Aurelia. While she still had concerns about the potential repercussions, she also knew that Zed's love for Aurelia was genuine.
"Fine, but we need a plan." Zed went to open his mouth, but she cut him off, "A good plan Zed. Don't forget, the head guard is her ex-boyfriend who obviously wants her back."
Zed's face dropped, he had forgotten about Jay. "You don't think she..."
Eliza shook her head, "Don't be stupid. She made herself very clear at the Zombie Mash that she was done with him, he however didn't seem too convinced."
"But it's been a week, things could have changed." His insecurities were getting the best of him.
"That's not how love works Zed," Eliza tried to comfort him.
"But Addison-"
"Didn't love you. Ari isn't Addison, Zed."
Eliza's words were a stark reminder of the differences between Aurelia and Addison. Zed had been hurt in the past by someone who didn't truly love him, and he didn't want to go through that pain again. He nodded, taking in Eliza's advice.
"You're right, Eliza," Zed said, his voice steadier. "I need to trust Aurelia and have faith in our love. We'll come up with a solid plan, and we'll bring her back to Seabrook where she belongs."
Eliza shook her head, a small smile on her face, "It's nit Seabrook where she belongs, it's with you Zed."

A Princess and A Zombie (A Z-O-M-B-I-E-S and Descendants AU)
Fanfiction25 years ago, King Adam, also known as the Beast, forwent going on a honeymoon with Queen Belle in favor of uniting the fairy tale kingdoms. Thus creating the United States of Auradon. Auradon was divided into 18 reigons. Each region has their own...