A Direct Order // 🫦

1.8K 41 71

Word Count --> 5,493
Song for this chapter --> Pillowtalk by Zayn (has nothing to do with the subject matter except it's about sex.)
Requested by --> literally no one
Trigger/ Content Warnings --> Violence, Fighting, Angry Sex, Talk of killing and death, mention of blood


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"What the hell were you thinking?" Minho is seething, yet trying so hard to leash his temper. His boyfriend is standing in front of him, trying not to cry.

"I- I'm sorry." He manages. This is obviously not enough for the older, who shoots him a glare.

"You're sorry? You're sorry?" He can feel himself losing his cool, despite his desperate attempt to not yell at the younger. Jisung flinches when Minho's voice grows louder, and the older stops himself, taking a deep breath. "I don't think sorry is going to cut it this time, Jisung."

The younger nods, knowing that perfectly well. What he did was stupid and illogical. He willingly put himself in danger, and the fact that Minho is using his name is a clear sign of how pissed he is. He appreciates the older's attempt to not yell at him, since he knows that it makes Jisung super uncomfortable.

That doesn't stop him from saying in a quiet voice "Y-you can y-yell at me... I d-deserve it." He has to give himself credit for keeping his tears in for this long.

"I'm trying really hard not to, Jisung. But what you did was stupid, dangerous, and irrational. I just need you to tell me what in the hell you were thinking."

"I was thinking I could help!" Jisung snaps, sounding a lot angrier than he meant to.

"You were given clear orders." The older growls angrily.

"I understand, but in my defence, what I did ended up saving a life Minho."

"And got you almost killed in the process!" Minho finally yells exasperated. "Do you know how fucking scary that was? Next time I tell you to stay back, you stay the fuck back!"

"Oh, but you're allowed to just run into fire like a fucking hero? You're so fucking hypocritical. If I want to risk my life for someone else, who the hell are you to tell me otherwise?"

"Your fucking boyfriend. The one who would have to tell your parents what happened, who would have to go to bed every night knowing I could have prevented it. And don't pull that hero shit with me, you know for a damn fact that I don't pull anything nearly as fucking stupid as you did today."

"This argument is stupid. What's done is done so there's nothing left to discuss. Nobody died." Jisung hisses.

"Yes there fucking is. As your fucking commander, you disobeyed an order. I will not tolerate it. No matter what the intentions, especially in this case."

"What are you going to do? Demote me?" Jisung asks, glaring.

"No, but you're benched. No missions for a week."

"That's fucking stupid!"

"No. What's stupid is jumping in front of a damn bullet!"

"I didn't jump right in front of it, you ignorant asshole!"

"Oh, I'm an asshole now? For what, trying to make sure the man I love doesn't get fucking killed? If that makes me an asshole then I'll happily fucking live with it."

"Fuck you." Jisung growls, turning away and storming out. He lets the door slam behind him. Walking through the base, he makes it halfway to their room before he curses to himself and turns back. His arm hurts from where the bullet grazed it.

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