Bruises and Bitemarks // 🫦

1.5K 51 112

Word Count --> 4.405 words
Song for this chapter --> Bruises & Bitemarks by Good With Grenades
Requested by --> rewrite
Trigger/ Content Warnings --> blood, violence, smut


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"Han, Lee, in the ring!" Their commander calls, pulling everyone's attention to the middle of the training room. "Let's get this over with."

It's common knowledge that Han Jisung and Lee Minho hate each other. But it doesn't seem to be enough for either of them to hate the other silently. They actively strive to prove they're better than the other, normally in the sparring ring.

Their friends are used to it by now, but new recruits are always amazed by the intensity of the fights. Nobody keeps score anymore, and their commander steps in before it gets too ugly. Some of the older soldiers scoff, muttering about how they miss when the commander would let them almost kill each other.

Felix tells them to hush from the sidelines, watching as his friends get ready to beat the hell out of each other. He can see the last deadly fight like it was yesterday. He honestly thought Jisung was going to die. The strange thing had been that when he went to check on his twin after the fight, he was nowhere to be found.

"You sure you want to do this today, Lee? You're looking a little tired." Jisung taunts the older. Minho rolls his eyes, simply getting into a ready stance.

"You wish, Han. You're just worried I'm going to wipe the floor with you again."

"Maybe I should return the favour. You ever had one foot in the afterworld, pretty boy?"

"No, because I'm the superior fighter, princess." Felix cringes, noticing how furious his twin instantly becomes. Jisung, while muscular, has always had a small waist, allowing Minho to pick on him for being feminine.

Jisung takes a deep breath, knowing not to take the bait. He has all day, he can wait for Minho to make the first hit.

"I guess we'll see about that, Narcissus." He spits back, internally smiling when Minho's jaw clenches. Next to Felix, his boyfriend - and Minho's best friend - stiffens. They both understand this match is going to be more intense than normal. Both are going for low blows, Minho with Jisung's femininity, and Jisung insinuating that all Minho cares about is himself.

Jisung's comment works though, because Minho lunges for him. He sees right through the attempted attack, moving to the side and ducking as Minho catches up to him and swings his arm. As he ducks, he pulls his knife from his holster, slicing the older's thigh.

"BITCH." Minho yells, grabbing Jisung's hair and grabbing him harshly. The younger goes down, rolling slightly to avoid Minho's knife, hissing as it slices his arm. He brings his leg up, hooking it under Minho's knee and applying pressure to make him lose his balance.

Before Jisung can make his next move, the whistle blows.

"That's enough for today." The commander calls. "Everyone get out of here. Just because it's a long weekend, doesn't mean you guys can do stupid shit, okay?" He warns, knowing how crazy some of them can get when unsupervised.

The crowd disperses, Minho and Jisung having gotten far away from each other immediately. Jisung grumbles about his shirt being ruined because of the slice as he walks towards Felix.

"You okay, Sung?" He asks, making sure to say goodbye to his boyfriend before Minho gets there. They walk towards the locker room as they talk, Jisung just ready to shower and treat his arm.

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