Part 1 - Dawson's PoV

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Hey everyone!
So, after watching the season finale I just HAD to write this (: I hope you're gonna enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing :*
Please leave some reviews (:

With ice cold fingers I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. My hand was shaking as I pulled it out and typed in the speed dial 2.
Antonio answered after the second ringing. "Gabby", he said, "you okay?"
My voice felt fragile as I started to speak. "Antonio, I'm at Matt's place, I found - something happened Antonio, you need to come over here."
I heard something being pushed back - a chair? - and then fast steps from at least three people. "Gabby, get out of there!"
"Get out of there, right now!" I heard his car being started. "I want you to get into your car and drive to Kim Burgess' house, do you understand?" When I didn't answer right away he yelled at me: "Gabby, do you understand?!"
"G-Got it", I stuttered, "Antonio, what is going on?!"
"Just drive over", he said, "do you know Burgess' address?"
I shook my head until I realized he couldn't even see me. "No."
He gave me the address and said: "Be safe." Then he hung up on me.
I drove over two red lights and almost crashed a lamp, but ten minutes later I arrived at the address Antonio had given me.
I walked into the house and after 2 more minutes I found Kim Burgess' apartment.
I rose my hand quietly knocked on the door. It was quiet for a few seconds, then the door swung open and I found myself in front of 3 guns held into my face.
"Oh my god!", I screamed, "It's me! Take that down, oh my god."
Jay Halstead, Adam Ruzek and Antonio slowly took down their weapons. "Gabby", Antonio said, putting his gun back into his belt. "Come on in."
I entered the apartment and suspiciously eyed everyone. Halstead and Antonio were still surrounding the door, Ruzek had taken place next to Kim Burgess on the couch. Hank Voight was leaning against a wall, Alvin Olinsky standing not too far away from him.
"What is going on here?", I asked, "What the hell happened at Casey's place?"
"You want a drink?", Ruzek offered and got up from the couch.
"No", I answered as he was walking towards the kitchen, "I want to know what you have gotten Matt into."
"Gabby, calm down", Antonio said and pointed towards a chair. "Take seat."
I hesitatingly sat down and Adam handed me a glass of scotch. I lifted it up to my lips, but before I could take a sip I remembered why I had gone to Casey's place. I slowly put the glass back down and cleared my throat. "Would you guys please start talking to me."
„Casey is just fine, kid", Olinsky finally started talking. "We don't know how, but his cover has been blown. We think Nesbit has been waiting for him at his apartment but one of his girls - Katya - followed him and confronted him. He ended up getting rid of her and leaving her body behind before Casey got home."
I swallowed hard started playing around with the glass in front of me. "Where is Matt now?"
"We can't tell you that", Voight spoke up. „The less you know, the safer it is for him and you."
I stared at him, not willing to understand what he had just said. "No, I need to talk to him."
"Gabby", Antonio slightly touched my shoulder but I shook him off.
"No, Antonio I need to know where he is, I need to talk to him, I... I just - I need to know he's okay!" I started breathing heavily and I felt Antonio rubbing my back in circles. "Shhh, it's okay", he said, "it's okay, I promise you, Matt is alright."
He held onto my back until I could slowly catch my breath again. My voice was shaking when I spoke. "You gotta promise me you'll keep him safe."
Antonio nodded and said „Yes, of course", but I shook my head. "No. You need to swear to me you are not gonna let anything happen to him." I stared right into his eyes and I knew he understood how serious I was. I guess it was kind of a siblings telepathy thing.
I decided to go home short after, so I grabbed my jacket and got up.
"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Antonio already held his car keys in his hand.
"No it's okay", I answered. I really felt like being alone right now. "I got my car here."
Now Kim Burgess got up as well. „I will accompany you to your car."
Together we left the apartment and stood in the elevator in silence.
As I opened the the door of my car, Burgess suddenly grabbed me arm. "Wait a second", she said and started looking for something in her pocket. She pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to me.
I unfolded it and quickly read the few lines that were written on it. It was an address. "What is this?"
"They flew him off to New York a few hours ago. His plane should have landed by now. He's staying at one of the SVU detective's, uh... Amaro." She cleared her throat and nervously played with her ring finger. "You didn't get that from me."
I nodded. „Thank you so much, Kim." I got into my car and let down the window. "Congrats. By the way."
She looked confused. „What?"
I pointed to her ring finger with which she had been playing. "That's a pretty ring."
"Oh", a smile appeared on her face, "thanks."
I winked at her and then drove off, knowing exactly what I was going to do next.

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