II. itoshi brothers and their problems

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Read for a banger bbgs 😜🙏

I'm so happy w how this ch turned out

you looked at your phone, as you felt a small smile creep up on your face as you re read the texts you've just read with rin.

"[NAME], HURRY UP!" your coach calls out, leading you to rush towards the field, the football team you're the manager for waiting for you. you take a moment to look at the documents in your hands, as you finally speak, "Right, so we're playing a friendly match against FC barcha's team, right?"

You go on, "it's a friendly match, but you guys are definitely not losing, are ya?"

the team nods with a determined look, each of them seeming as enthusiastic, except for sae. you smile, "that's the spirit!"

you take another glance at sae, his dark circles were reappearing, and he didn't seem as focused on practice as he used to ever since he came back from the visit to japan.

"i've gotten the data on FC barcha's team. seeing our attack style, and their's, they are most likely going to start with this strategy-" You start explaining their most likely formations, plays, and strategies that you've gotten out of the most recent matches they've had.

you weren't made their manager for no reason. you were damn good at analyzing things, and predicting, also planning plays, formation, overall, you were a great asset to the team, even if you were not playing.

after you explain, you leave your bag on the bench, as you look at the team, hoping for a good reaction. you spent a few days on these formations to be able to counter fc barcha's youth team, so you hoped they'd like it.

the team seemed as enthusiastic as usual. except for one player. itoshi sae. just as you'd observed earlier, he wasn't fully concentrated as he used to be. he seemed to have been trailing off somewhere.

once again, you had a feeling it had something to do with the fight rin had mentioned earlier, yet, you didn't want to nosy by asking sae or rin about it.

whatever happened was probably quite serious, especially seeing the fact that rin didn't want you to mention his older brother's name at all. well, you didn't know a thing or two about siblings. you were an only child after all.

a small sigh escapes your lips. ".. [name], stop dozing off like that," the coach sighs, "is everything okay?" he seemed rather worried, for some reason. "you're rarely late for practice too."

right, why was the thought of rin and sae distracting you so much? it wasn't even any of your business. "I'm okay, don't worry." you reassure, as the coach nods.

"it's 7pm, i suppose it's time for our players to go back home, huh?" you didn't notice how fast the time went until the coach had pointed it now. you give him a slight nod, "yah, we'll practice the formations tomorrow, okay?"

the team looked rather dejected, as if they had expected to be practicing the formations and plays all today. "[last name], can't we stay for a bit longer?" javier romero asks, he played the role of defender in the football team.

you shake your head in response to the question. "no can do, romero. i have my own school work to do too."

"hey, [last name], i never understood why but, you already have such a high paying job here as our manager, and yet, you still stay in high school? can't you just drop out and become a full time manager?" gabriel blanchet, the goalkeeper asks.

WRONG NUMBER ; itoshi rin x f! readerWhere stories live. Discover now