V. mixed feelings

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emo boy❤ has unblocked you!

you blink your eyes twice in surprise. rin had actually unblocked you? ha, you never expected this from him. you thought everything the two of you had would have stopped the day he blocked you.

but it seems he's finally unblocked you.

for some reason, a sense of happiness fills you up, as a small grin creeps up to your face. oh how much you were going to enjoy just annoying the shit out of him!

lukewarm #12
missed me?

emo boy❤
no not rlly

lukewarm #12
you're lucky I like pretty
emo boys
orelse I would've never
texted you again.

emo boy ❤

lukewarm #12
now shut the fuck up
and make out with me.

emo boy❤

lukewarm #12
did I stutter?

emo boy❤
im so fucking glad we
aren't in the same

lukewarm #12
now u suck

emo boy❤

lukewarm #12

in i have a question
idk if you'll answer
but yeah

emo boy❤
ask igs

lukewarm #12
so like
what happened between
you and sae?

emo boy

lukewarm #12
it's fine if you don't want
to share it rin  !!

emo boy❤
no it's fine
igs i wanted to get this off
my chest for some time.
so like

he takes a deep breath, as he begins typing his message. he's not sure how you'll react now.

a few minutes later, he's finished writing the paragraph. his thumb hovers over the send button, as he finds himself hesitating to do something as simple as pressing send.

why did he care about what you thought so much?


emo boy❤

so basically, you know that
me and him used to play
football together, right? so,
one day, he got scoutes to play
in real madrid's youth team, so
he left for spain.
he seemed to be doing so good,
and i was so excited for him to
come back because I really missed
my older brother.
so like fours year later, he finally
comes back to Japan, with a
suitcase behind him. a day earlier
then he's supposed to come. and
i was staying back after a match
cus i was practicibg my skills.
ni-chan then went on about how
he's given up his dream about
being the best striker in the world
and how he's gonna become the
best midfielder. he told me i will
become the world's best striker.
But i didn't want that. i didn't want
To just become the world's best
strikee. I wanted to become the world's
best striker alongside him.
of course, i was so disappointed
to hear that. me and him grew up
having a shared dream of becoming
the best striker in the world together
you know? anyways, we got into a
fight because of that.
he told me if i could beat him 1v1
then he'd not give up on his dream.
spoiler alert, i didn't.
he started saying stuff like Japan
has no hope for football and shit
like that. he said i was just a lame
excuse of a brother to him. he said
i was lukewarm. i was mediocore.
he told me to never use him as a
reason to play soccer ever.
and that shit hurt me so fucking bad.
at first i thought I was just a stepping
stone for him but all those years we spent playing together couldn't have
been for nothing, right? the sae itoshi
i knew for all my life wasn't just
a lie, right?
he fucking destroyed my life.
I hate how he made me feel
my reason for playing soccer is to
destroy itoshi sae.

WRONG NUMBER ; itoshi rin x f! readerWhere stories live. Discover now