The adventure begins

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A kingdom of snow and ice is in the distance. Suddenly, magma drops upon the ice. A floating castle constructed of rock and lava with a monstrous figurehead in front flies toward the ice kingdom. It drops anchor and lands, opening its gates to release an army of turtle-like Koopas. A blue-robed Koopa magician, Kamek, appears from thin air. "Behold! The King of the Koopas!" He shouted. Kamek strikes his wand upon the ground, signalling the Koopa army to turn in attention as their monstrous leader, Bowser, emerges. Bowser walks toward the ice castle. "Open the gates! Or die." Bowser said. Large shadows loom within the ice palace. The gates open to reveal an army of much smaller but still determined penguins, whose king directs them. "Attack!" The penguins let out battle cries. The penguins charge forward and begin pelting the Koopas with snowballs and ice chunks, to little effect. The Penguin King signals them to hold their attack. "That is but a taste of our fury! Do you yield?" The king penguin asked. Bowser chuckles. "I do not." Kamek magically lifts up the penguins and tosses them aside. Bowser uses his fire breath to destroy the ice castle. "No." The penguin king said. "Oh..." Within the castle ruins shines a bright light. Kamek levitates ice blocks for Bowser to walk up toward the light. He reaches a shining Question Block, which he breaks open to reveal the Super Star. Bowser laughs. "I've finally found it! And now no one can stop me!"


Two men and a woman appear, Mario in a red hat and shirt and Luigi in green, both with large mustaches and wearing denim overalls and white gloves. The girl has (H/l) (H/c) hair, (E/c) eyes, and is wearing a shirt and jeans. They ride in a yellow van and demonstrate their plumbing skills. "We're the Mario Siblings!" "and plumbing's our game! We're not like the others who get all the fame! When your sink is in trouble, you can call us on the double! We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the siblings! Uh!" "It's-a-me, Mario!" Mario said. "And-a Luigi!" Luigi said. "And- a- (Y/n)!" (Y/n) said jokingly. "Are you tired of paying too much for plumbing?" Mario asked. "Mamma mia!" The trio said. "That's why the Super Mario Sibs are here! To save Brooklyn." Mario said. "And Queens!" Luigi said. "And your wallet." (Y/n) said. "Thank you, Super Mario Sibs! It seems like the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account." The woman said, then looked confused. "Forget the expensive plumbing companies when you're just a face! With the Super Mario Siblings, you're family!" Mario said. "Hooked on the siblings!" The trio said. The commercial ends as the real (Y/n), Mario and Luigi celebrate in Punch-Out Pizzaria. Luigi laughs. "Wow! You were great!" Mario says in a Brooklyn accent, causing (Y/n) to laugh. "I was great? Are you kidding me? You two were great!" She said, faking a Brooklyn accent as well. "I am so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial!" Mario said. "That is not a commercial! That is cinema." Luigi said. "Eh, what about the accents? Is it... Is it too much?" (Y/n) asked. A man dressed similarly to the brothers, Giuseppe, turns to them. "Too much? It's-a perfect! Wahoo!" He said.

"Okay, I'm gonna trust you." Mario said. Giuseppe returns to playing a Jump Man arcade game. Spike, a large bearded man in a Wrecking Crew uniform and sunglasses, speaks out. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures, the Stupid Mario Siblings." He said. "Oh, great. Spike's here." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Hey, Spike." Mario said. "Yeah! It's-a-me!" Spike laughs, and sputters. "Tell me, have you even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?" He mocked. Luigi holds up his phone. "As a matter of fact, Spike, we have." He said. "Wow, really?" Mario asked. "Uh, yeah. Our mom called and she said, "Oh, children! That's the best commercial I've ever seen!" And I said, "Thank you very much, Mother. We're very proud of it." So boom!" Luigi throws his phone to the floor, and (Y/n) face palms. Spike laughs. "Good luck running a business with this idiot." Spike wipes his face with a napkin and tosses it at Luigi, but Mario catches it. "And hey, (Y/n), how about you and me go on a date sometime?" He asked with a smirk, and both of her brothers glare at him angrily. (Y/n) glared at him in disgust. "Say that again about my brother, and try to hit on my younger sister again, and you're gonna regret it." Mario said threateningly, and Mario tosses the napkin back at Spike. "Yeah. And FYI, I'd never go on a date with someone like you." (Y/n) said. "Oh, yeah?" Spike stands up, towering over Mario, and grabs him by the overalls. "Leave him alone!" (Y/n) shouted, about to run and help but Luigi quickly pulled her back protectively and shakes his head.

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