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Michelangelo didn't explore the new lair much to his own surprise. It was way too big for him, he did however manage to find the main room/living room, bathroom, kitchen, and everyone's rooms. He knew that there was more, but he didn't want to accidentally touch a wall and sent off some kind of alarm.

Too many missions where ruined because he touched something on purpose thinking it would help, or by accident. Either way he was always blamed and the mission would switch over from normal difficulty or nightmare difficulty. He didn't want these turtles to yell at him for something he didn't know about.

"Hey, you doing okay?"

He was immediately pulled from his thoughts to see the other Raph looking at him. He looked worried for his well-being. It rubbed Michelangelo the wrong way. He was use to seeing his own Raph looking at him with a permanent scowl or sometimes a small smirk.

"Yeah... Sorry. I'll get out of your way." He started to move when Raph stopped him

"You're not in my way. I was on my way to the kitchen and saw you standing here dissociating. Are you sure that you're okay?"

Michelangelo looked at the floor, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"Raph understands that you're not Raph's brother, but you're still Mikey no matter the dimension." He placed a hand on Michelangelo's shoulder, "How bout I make you something to eat? How does that sound?"

He was about to decline when his stomach growled rather loudly. Michelangelo blushed from embarrassment, he couldn't remember the last time he ate.

Raph laughed, "That answers that question. Let's go."

He picked up Michelangelo with one arm and carried him to the kitchen, then sat him down on one of the countertops that was pretty far from the stove.

"What would our guest like to eat?" Raph asked him

Michelangelo blinked, "Wait... You can cook?"

Raph smiled, "Yeah, we all can cook. Why?"

"In my dimension I mostly do all of the cooking. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My brothers don't know how to cook." Michelangelo smiled a little bit, "One time they nearly burned the lair down trying to make eggs and toast for breakfast."

"That isn't very good. So they're trained ninjas and they can't cook?" Raph asked him getting a few ingredients out of the cabinets and out of the fridge

"Yeah, pretty much. Leo has this ongoing war with the toaster, it always catches on fire and blows up when he touches it. The microwave short circuits when Donnie pushes the buttons. And Raph is a little too aggressive when it comes to the oven and stove, he always breaks it somehow." Michelangelo laughed

Raph smiled as he cooked, he was happy to hear Michelangelo laughing and talking about his brothers.

"Do you want to tell me about your brothers? What are they like?" Raph asked him turning to face him

"Hmm let's see... Donnie is super cool and he's always in his lab inventing stuff and coming up with new things to help us with our missions. Sometimes he forgets to eat and sleep so I have to remind him. I would bring him food and lead him to his room when he's tired so he doesn't overwork himself. Whenever I do good I'm allowed to be in his lab to watch him work, I'm not allowed to touch anything or say anything. But that's okay, I like looking at him work, it keeps me focused on one thing and Donnie says that it's good for my ADHD or something like that."

Raph nods to show that he was listening, even though he was no longer facing Michelangelo. He still had to cook and make sure that the food doesn't burn.

"Leo, he's the leader and we always have to listen to him no matter what. He's also the oldest. When I do well on missions he gives me heat pats and tells me that I did a good job. He really loves this one show called Space Heroes, I don't know what he likes about it though. Leo is always training and making sure that he's ready for anything. He gets private lessons from Master Splinter, they even meditate together every single day, even on our days off. Sometimes I bring them tea and they always thank me, other times I sit in the tree that in our dojo and watch Leo from the branches. He knows I'm there and it makes him train a little bit harder or concentrate more when he's meditating. I like Leo when he isn't yelling at us, but I know he does it because he cares for us and doesn't want to fail us as our leader."

The atmosphere turned dark and a bit gloomy. Raph was almost afraid to let Michelangelo go on, but he needs the distraction. He needs to vent and Raph knows this.

"And then there's Raph... He's my favorite brother. I know you're not supposed to have a favorite sibling, but he's mine. He's really hot headed and has anger issues and he yells a lot. He yells at almost everyone, aside from Master Splinter. He once had a pet tortoise named Spike, but he got mutated and named himself Slash. Slash use to be so mean and evil, he nearly killed me, but Raph saved me and Slash turned good. Now Raph has a new pet turtle named Chompy Picasso, he's a turtle alien from space and he breaths fire. Raph also plays the drums, he's really good at it too. There's one thing I don't like about Raph though, he... He hits me a lot. And I don't mean like when we spar and train. He smacks me when I say or do something stupid. He pushes me down, steps on me, kicks me, or punches me. He does it a lot cause I always bother him or say something stupid. One time he broke my arm by accident and he apologized every single day and basically became my servant, I didn't really enjoy it. He looked guilty and it wasn't fun watching him bring me stuff that I could easily get myself. I didn't make him, he just did it. But even though he does hit me, he's still my favorite brother."

Raph had finally finished cooking and presented Michelangelo with spaghetti tacos, "Is that why you're scared of me?"

"Kinda. I know you're different, I just can't help it. You're massive dude! But I'm glad that you're nice and gentle... Oh and thank you for the food." Michelangelo picked up a taco and took a bite glad to have something somewhat unhealthy

"You're welcome. I'm the oldest I have to protect my brothers and make sure that their fed and healthy. Even if they're from different dimensions." he raised a hand to give Michelangelo a head pats and he noticed the way he flinched.

Raph didn't mention or say anything about it. It was an unconscious motion, but he did smile seeing Michelangelo smile from the affection. And he nearly laughed in joy when he churred as well.

As they ate Raph pulled out his phone and stopped recording their conversation. He sent the file to both Leo and Donnie, he left bad for basically betraying Michelangelo's trust, but he had orders from Leo. He can only hope that Michelangelo forgives him in the end.

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