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Angelo looked at the time on the digital clock and sighed. It was around 3am and he couldn't sleep, he grabbed a few color pencils and paper and headed to the kitchen. He sat down on the island counter top and started to draw. His mind wondered back to that God awful day, the day that Kraang nearly took over the world.

The drawing seemed crud and misshappen, but it also fit that monster so well. The jagged teeth, thoes pink tendrils that nearly pierced him, and it's cold and uncaring eyes.

He didn't know what time it was, he was too caught up in his art. He jumped when someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." It was Donatello

"It's fine. I couldn't sleep. I decided to vent a little." Angelo sighed

Donatello looked at the drawing and inwardly winced, "I'm afraid to asked about that."

"It's my world's version of the Kraang." He said erasing a part of the drawing to make it more crude and inhumane

"That's why you freaked out... Why does it look like that?"

"That's how I see it." Angelo pulled out his phone and shows Donatello a picture of the beast, "This is how it actually looks."

Donatello felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked at the thing, then back at Angelo's drawing.

"A-are you okay?" He asked him

Angelo looked at Donatello and shook his head, "No..."

He placed the color pencil down and held up his hands, they were less shaky. He puts them down and sighed again.

"Enough about me. What's been happening in the life of Othello Von Ryan?" Angelo smiled

Donatello rose a brow bone at the name, "Who?"

He chuckled, "Sorry it's just... My Donnie calls himself that sometimes."

Donatello laughs, "It's fine. Uh so... I've been trying to find the right time to tell my crush that I like her."

Angelo brightened up at that statement, "You have a crush. On who?"

He chuckled, "April."

Angelo's face fell, "April? Okay that's weird."

"How so?"

"My April is like our sister. We even call her our sister at times and she's Tello's BFF. Also she's a lesbian." Angelo explained, "That's why it's weird."

"Oh well um, here she's a friend and an ally we can trust. She comes down here almost every day. I really like her, but could never find the time to."

"Oh, have both of you been really busy lately?"

Donatello rubbed the back of his neck, "No... When I try she cuts me off and says that it's not the right moment."

Angelo frowned, "What the hell."

"It's fine though. I've been showing her how much I love her with making her trinkets and music boxes."

"I think she's just using you."

"She isn't. I just have to wait."

"Listen, you've been making her things and been trying to confess. Either she only sees you as a friend or she's aromatic meaning she doesn't want a relationship with anyone." Angelo explained

"I've thought about the whole aromatic thing and asked her. She told me that she wasn't." Donnie looked at the time on Angelo's phone, "Say, how long have you been up?"

"Since like 3am. Why?"

"It's 6am. Raph and Leo will be awake soon."

"I'll be fine. I have gotten less sleep before." Angelo told him chuckling, "Trauma."

Donatello frowned and went to make himself a bagel with cream cheese. Angelo was about to get up and put the drawing supplise away when the drawing was snatched away.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Raphael growled

"It's just a drawing." Angelo went to reach for it when Raphael kept it out of his reach

"If it's just a drawing then it doesn't mean anything, right?" He asked slowly tearing it

Angelo could feel himself getting pissed off, "Give it back."

"No way. Hey Donnie did you see this piece of shit drawing?" Raphael laughed

Donatello sighed, "That's not funny Raph. Give it back."

Raphael ripped the paper more. Angelo's markings started to glow and his hands crackled with fire and electricity.

"Give it back." He stated calmly

Raphael smirked and fully ripped the paper in half. Angelo could feel something inside of him snap. He punched Raphael in the face sending him to the ground.

"What the hell?!" He yelled holding his cheek

"I told you to hand it over. Did you? No you didn't, you ripped it." Angelo walked over to him

"What the fuck is your problem? It's just a stupid drawing!" Raphael yelled at him

Angelo kicked him in the jaw as hard as he could, he did however made sure to hold back a little. Raphael spat out some blood and a tooth.

"What the hell?! You knocked my tooth out!"

"It's just a silly little tooth. Grow up and stop being a bitch." Angelo sneered at him

He walked over to the scraps of paper that use to be drawing. He calmed down and his markings stopped glowing. He tossed the scraps into the trash can.

"Three hours of work, gone..." Angelo sighed, "I'm going to bed."

"Don't just stand there! Do something, Donnie!" Raphael yelled getting up to wash his mouth out

"I told you to stop. You deserved that." Donatello said watching Angelo walk away, "You have to remember that he's not like our Mikey. He's a lot stronger that he looks."

Leonardo finally walked into the kitchen, "What's going on? Why is Raph bleeding?"

"That little maniac knocked my tooth out." Raphael complained, "Donnie didn't even try to help me."

"To be fair I told you to stop, but you kept on going and then ripped his drawing into pieces. You kept calling it trash and was teasing him about it." Donatello told the hot head

"Regardless of that he shouldn't be fighting. I'm going to go talk with him." Leonardo sighed

"He's been up since 3am." Donatello warned him

Leonardo looked back at Donatello and nods, "Thanks. Also I'm talking to you as well."

Donatello rolled his eyes. He didn't do anything wrong. Talk to Raphael instead, but no he wants to blame everyone but the person who started it.

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