2. Teenage crush

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After looking at Jason for a while, Roy tilted his head slightly. He was wondering why the kid haven't responded yet and why he was just getting redder and redder instead. "You okay there pal ?", he asked.

Jason snaped out of his trance, and, becoming even redder if that's possible, he quickly mumbled an answer "Y-yeah I'm good, I'm Jason by the way". He sounded unsure and stuttered but that only made Roy chuckle, the atmosphere becoming a little less tense after that.

Loyal to his drama detector, Dick couldn't suppress the huge grin forming on his face and he playfully elbowed Jason in the arm, saying in a teasing voice " Why so red Jason, still running a fever ? ". Of course he knew that Jason was completely healed since a few days ago but he found the occasion too good to just let it slide. Roy, on the other hand took a bit of a worried expression, shifting his attention to Jason entirely and gently asking the young teen " Are you really running a fever ? Maybe you should lay down or-" but he was cut short by an even more flustered and even a bit snappy Jason " I'm okay, it's just one of Dick's hilarious joke " he said, while rolling his eyes and glaring at Dick who tried to hold in a laughter.

Jason was not finding the situation funny at all. He was with a bunch of people about twenty years old, who happened to be his adoptive-brother-who-used-to-despise-him's teammates, and on top of that he felt all weird and hot when he looked at Roy and he couldn't even figure out why, so all of this was making him more and more tense and he feared he would explode soon.

He finally managed to put his overconfident teen mask back on after Roy shrugged his shoulder and went back to working on his bow, and the other members welcomed him, more or less earnestly for some but it didn't matter and they also went back to their occupations. Dick made a small tour of the Titans Tour, though he noticed Jason was a bit grumpy and he figured moving in with him and his teammates was a bit much to take in and he just needed a quiet place to rest and stop the tough act.

Of course, Dick noticed just how red Jason was when Roy talked to him and that made him very curious so he decided to give his little brother the empty room next to Roy's. Jason would probably act like a kitty showing its claws again but he didn't care, he knew Jason was much more insecure than really mad. He figured too late that Jason was just a kid too and that he must have heard some of his arguments with Bruce, and that it hurt him a lot. Neither Dick or Jason were ready to talk about it but Dick really intented to try and act like a big brother in the future.

After half an hour or so, Jason saw all the important rooms and as soon as Dick showed him the bedroom he'd be staying in, he rushed on the bed, tossed his bags aside and face planted in the pillow. Dick understood the message so he gently closed the door behind him. Jason didn't even have time to set an alarm, he just fell alseep the instant he hit the bed, his legs hanging loosely on the floor but his body was too heavy to move so he figured some sleep wouldn't hurt him, he only ever slept a few hours anyway and it was only 3 p.m.

Dick went back to the living room after leaving Jason to rest, and asked his teammates to not act so tough with the boy. Sure, Dick was the main reason they were behaving the way they were because they saw Jason as the former homeless kid with anger issues that replaced Dick, and he thought that too once but he was really trying to be better. Plus, he started to grow very found of his little brother, he didn't even realized just how he missed having family other than Bruce and Alfred. He did love them both very much but it was nice seeing the Manor a little more...lively.

After his little discussion with his more reluctant teammates, he joined Roy in his room to talk, and maybe, just maybe, fulfill his desire of not minding his own buisness. He knocked and entered, knowing that Roy wouldn't hear him over the loud metal music he was putting on when he worked on new arrows - all the time -. He gently tapped his shoulder and Roy turned to give him another of his fox like grin, seemingly not upset at all to be disturbed while working.

" Hey Dick, 'sup ? Wanted to talk about something in particular ? " Roy asked, a bit of malice in his eyes

" Ah, I really can't hide anything to you now can I ? " he chuckled and continued " I have a little favor to ask you, if you don't mind. As you saw, Jason is a very hurt so defensive kid. Plus, the others didn't especially make it easier and he can't trust me. Though, I told you about the incident that made Bruce put him on the bench and his coping skills just keep getting worse. He won't even sleep some days and I'm really worried, but the first thing to settle is his anger management issues because he definetly can't be a vigilante if he keeps beating people up like that, but I know that being Robin is the only thing that makes him feel worth at least a little something. Well, sorry I talked too much again. I just wanted to ask if you could try to help him a bit ? You're patient, maybe archery would help him with that and you're the only one that didn't offend him so if you could try and learn what the base problems of it all are, I'd owe you a big one, both as a best friend and big brother. Plus, Jason was pretty impressed by you, and maybe it can also be benefic to you, for your addictions. "

Roy stayed silent for a bit, taking in every information Dick just gave him, and finally he shrugged, smiling. " Sure, I don't mind helping the kid if he wants to. And you're right, it could do me some good to take care of someone else. By the way, isn't time to make dinner ? I bet the little lad is straving too ! " he chuckled and both him and Dick made their way to the living room. They were in charge of dinner so they ordered pizza, both their cooking skills being horrible. Nobody complained, they wanted to eat something edible.

When the pizza arrived, Donna payed with Dick's card and Dick went to Jason's room to let him know that he could eat. He opened the door, expecting to see the teen read on his bed with his earphones on, but instead he saw him half on the bed, not moving. His heart dropped for a second before he realized that Jason just fell asleep like that. He heard the very light snore and saw his back move up and down as he breathed. Jason looked so peacefull that he didn't want to wake him up, but his posture was very bad and he didn't want him having back pain. He gently approched and shook his shoulder while whispering his name. Jason woke up startled before he could analyze where he was and be a little less tense. Dick told his brother to come and eat but  before he could even finish his sentence, they heard the crime alert alarm. Guess they'll have to put the pizzas in the oven again...

Here's chap two :) I'll try to post a chapter every tuesday, can't guarantee but never back down never give up X) tanks for reading !!

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