3. Burden

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Before they could even cut the pizzas, the crime alert alarm blared in the Tower. Everybody dressed up in an instant, even Jason who just woke up. Bruce may have benched him in Gotham, but he didn't say anything about not fighting with the Titans. The thought of finally fight crime after almost two weeks made him grin wide, but before he could go out with the team Dick stopped him.

" What are you doing Jason ?" Dick asked, ready to leave any second.

" I'm coming with you. You know, to actually do some Robin shit. Kick asses and all. " Jason replied, seemingly annoyed that the older boy stopped him.

" Well, sorry to tell you that but no, you can't. Batman benched you because you can't hold your nerves so no fighting villains until that issue is under control, plus this is not Gotham, we are talking about metas here and you've never fought one so if you really wanna make yourself useful turn on the computer in the living room and watch us fight, learn that way for now. I can't risk you doing anything stupid and hurt yourself, I don't have time to take care of you during a mission. "

" But- "

" There is no but, Jason. Did I make myself clear ? " Dick said that with a cold and firm voice, even though he hated talking to the kid like that, he really didn't have time to argue at the moment.

Jason stormed off in his room, very upset and Dick left, making sure to lock the door behind him. It broke his heart to see Jason like that, but as a team leader and big brother, he had no other choice. He quickly joined his team downtown where the fight had already started.

Jason was furious. He didn't understant why Dick would do that to him, he felt betrayed, and above all he felt like a burden. Nobody wanted him, Bruce had sent him with Dick and Dick just wanted to lock him up in his tower like he was freaking Rapunzel. Hot anger tears beggan rolling down his cheeks and he hit the wall so hard that he felt blood on his fingers, and realized by the sharp pain that quickly followed that he may have broken his hand. 

He started to panick, if nobody wanted him when he was in great shape, surely that would be worse now. He rushed towards the bathroom to grab bandages and put it around his injured hand, praying that would heal soon and discretly. He then returned in his room, sat on the floor with music blasting in his headset and cried. The boy felt really down, and as always at times likes this he thought that maybe Bruce should have let him rot in Crime Alley. No matter how hard he tried to shake off these thoughts, he was too upset to do so.  He understood why Dick didn't want him in this mission, it was far too dangerous and he felt stupid and childish for agruing like that. He simply sent his big brother a " I'm sorry " text and locked his door, praying that nobody would notice his hand.

When the Titans came back a few hours later, Roy put the pizzas in the oven and Dick went to Jason's room to chek on him. He knocked at the door once, but Jason didn't respond so he knocked a second time and simply got awnsered by a weak " I'm not hungry ". Dick was getting worried so he just sat by the door and talked to Jason like that.

" Look Jason, I saw your text and I'm sorry too. I forbid you from coming not because i thought you were not strong enough or that you would be a burden, it was simply too dangerous and I was worried about you. You understand that, right ? I know I've not always been good to you but I swear I'm trying to get better, and I love you. I hope you're okay, if you want to eat there are a few pizza slices left for you. It's okay if you don't want to talk right now, just rest pal. ". After a few more seconds of silence, Dick was ready to leave but Jason slid a note under the door saying " I'm not mad at you, good night ". 

Taking the small note, Dick noticed a bit of blood on the paper which worried him even more. Though, knowing Jason, if he hurt himself he would never want to tell Dick. The young adult suddenly remembered a conversation he had earlier with a certain red head and thought he would have Roy check on Jason. He went to the living room to ask Roy if he could do it, explaining the situation briefly and Roy agreed in an instant, feeling worried for the youngest too.

He knocked at the door, honestly expecting to be rejected right away, but instead he heard a small voice.

" Who is it ? "

" It's me, Roy."

" Dick sent you, didn't he ? "

" He did send me, but if I didn't want to be here I wouldn't be, trust me on this buddy. Wanna open the door for me ? "

There was a little blank before Roy heard Jason unlock the door, and the archer took this as a sign so he entered and closed the door behind him. He found Jason sat on his bed wearing an oversized hoodie with his hands in the front pocket. Analyzing the room quickly, he saw a bit of blood on the wall and the floor and he was quick to assume that Jason must have hit the wall in frustration and hurt his hands. He approched Jason a bit, still keeping an arm-lenght distance so the boy wouldn't feel trapped. He sat beside him and spoke in a gentle and reassuring voice.

" Can you tell me what happened ? I promise I won't judge you and won't get mad, I just want you to tell me if you are hurt. We can even keep this a secret if you prefer, but you have to get treated okay ? "

Jason stayed silent for a bit, wary of Roy because he feared he wouldn't keep his promise. But when he looked into the older's eyes, he yet again saw pure honesty and nothing else so he decided to show him his hand, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

" It's not that bad, I just bled a bit so you don't have to worry. "

" Do you mind if I take a look ? "

" Whatever."

Roy gently took Jason's hand in his, very focused on analyzing every centimenter of it while Jason felt his heart race and his face burn once again, and he could'nt help but stare at Roy's beautiful face ; his eyes stopping on every freckle, every strand of ginger hair falling slightly on his forehead and he even found charming the discreet dark circles under his eyes. He was so caught up in his contemplation that his own wince surpised him when Roy applied a small pressure on the injured fingers. Jason blushed even more, he didn't want to look like a baby in front of the red head, the situation was already embarassing enough. The wince broke them both from their transe and Roy let go of Jason's hand, making the teen's heart drop in a way he never felt before.

" Looks like you broke three fingers. There is not much I can do because I'm not a doctor but I doubt you want to go to the hospital with Dick. Well, it would be better but I won't force you. "

" If it's just broken fingers, it should be fine, it will heal..."

" Sure, but you won't want crooked fingers in the future so I suggest you still get this checked by a real doctor. You know, it's okay to be hurt. And feeling down doesn't mean that you are weak, it's even braver to recognize that and ask for help, trust me, it's the hardest. I'm gonna tell you a secret : I did drugs, and still used to not too long ago. I was ashamed so I didn't want anyone finding out, and I let myself die bit by bit because of that. The more I used, the more ashamed I felt. That was until Dick found me. At first, he was mad. But he wasn't mad at me, he was mad at himself for not finding out sooner. He offered his hand to me and taking it was certainly one of the most difficult thing I had to do in my life but it was worth it. He helped me get into rehab and I've been clean for a few mounths. Of course, I still often get tempted but my friends are there at moments like this, and that's what saves me. And because I felt better I could return to the team and help people again. I can feel you want to do well, Jason. But to make others feel better, you have to feel good first. Would you accept taking my hand ? " Roy asked, offering a open hand to Jason.

Jason looked at him, dumbfounded, and he could swear he saw a halo above Roy's head for a second.

Third chapter ! I'll post a chapter once a week but damn I've been writting all weekend, I'll even start ( finish ?) chapter four now XD. Anyway, I forgot to metion because it made sense for me but there won't be any romance while Jason is still a kid for obvious reasons BUT he will very much continue to be a simp don't worry and look forward to the second part of this fic ;) anyway that's all enjoy your day ^^

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