6. Birthday boy

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Jason fell on his bed, completely heartbroken. How was he stupid enough that he didn't even think of Roy having a crush, or worse, a girlfriend ? To be honest, he knew he stood absolutely no chance with the 6 years older ginger but still, it hurt.

He expected his brother to come bother him but fortunately he didn't, buying his lame excuse. He still heard him put a plate in front of his door, probably thinking he was asleep already like he had told Roy. In any case, even if Dick had checked on him he just couldn't betray Roy like that, so maybe it was for the better. After all, he was a lone wolf...

The next few weeks went well for the fighting part, but everyone had noticed how Jason wasn't so close to Roy anymore. They did talk and hang out a lot, but Jason developped a habit of not looking Roy in the eyes anymore but thankfully no team member said anything about it, probably feeling that it was a touchy subject.

Maybe Jason needed time to process the Cheshire thing, and to heal too. Still, he did get better about fighting and even social relations during the past three months with the Teen Titans. And even though he avoided Roy's eyes for a week, he managed to regain his composure and even if it still hurt like hell, he didn't show it anymore and he was glas that the suspicious stares went away.

In the weekend, Dick and Jason visited Alfred and Bruce like they always did, but this time it was a bit different. Roy or Kori weren't there, leaving the four inhabitants of Wayne Manor alone for dinner. After being oddly quieter than usual during the meal, Bruce hummed before turning to his sons. " So, Dick, how has Jason been doing with the anger management issues ?" he asked. " Well, Little Wing has been doing good with that ! He's still as stubborn but, that's our rebel teenager " Dick chuckled and ruffled Jason's hair. Bruce smiled and turned to Jason " I was thinking, if you feel like it, that maybe it was time for you to be Robin in Gotham again. Selina misses you too. " Jason got really excited " Really, I'm not benched anymore !? Heck yeah I wanna take my city back ! " Bruce smiled at the enthuisasm. " Well, you're welcomed here whenever you want, maybe next weekend so you can pack your things and thank your brother's team for taking you in. " Jason nodded, grinning " I'll be sure to that ! I'll also visit them often, of course! ".

The week passed faster than Wally, and everyone was a bit sad to see Jason go. He made sure to hug them all before going and thanking them for being so kind and patient with him. He even thought Donna would never let go of the embrace and she made him swear to come often. He, of course, agreed to that and after hugging most of the team members, there was one left. Roy opened up his arms for Jason wearing his signature cheeky grin and Jason couldn't resist, he felt his heart pounding as he threw himself in the ginger's arms, holding him tight. The team made a syncrognized " aw " and Jason was about to pull away, flustered, but Roy pulled him back, ruffling his hair when he was done.

Dick and Jason went back to the Manor, and though Jason was excited about working with Selina and Bruce again in the streets of HIS city, he had to admit that he was a bit sad about leaving the Titans. But who knows, maybe it would help him forget about his huge crush on Roy.

Alfred welcomed them, smiling and telling them stories about how Bruce would brood for the past months, wondering if he made the right decision and telling Alfred of how "calm" the manor was, but it actually meant that he felt lonely. Still, he was glad that his second adopted son took benefits in being with Dick and his teammates. Even if that meant having a crush on Oliver Queen's son...

About a month later, Bruce decided that tonight Jason would operate in Crime Alley because he had begged for it since he came back to the Manor. The Batman was a bit resillient because the last time they went to Crime Alley, Jason almost caused a blood bath. He was also scared that it would trigger some bad memories, but Jason would be fifteen on Thursday, and he figured he was old enough to tell him if things went South. So, he accepted Jason's request, calling Selina as back up because he listened to her more. The three of them went to Crime Alley and Jason had a lot of fun beating the trafficants' ass, and Bruce and Selina saw that he didn't go overbroad with the beating, though he still had a tendency of intimating them but Batman couldn't change his son, and hell if he could he wouldn't do it.

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