Halloween special

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Halloween was a day Jason usually loved. This was one of the only days making Crime Alley at least a little more festy. He would meet a few others kids from his neighborhood and do a little tour of the buildings, getting candies from eldery people. When he first went to Wayne Manor, Alfred had prepared him a bowl full of candies and chocolate, and Bruce, Alfred and him had spent the night watching horror movies until Jason fell asleep on Bruce's shoulder. Alfred had taken a photo and put it in the principal hallway.

This year though, Jason was spending Halloween with Dick. Bruce had told him he didn't see enough people his age, didn't have enough friends. So when Dick offered to take him to Titan Tower, Bruce forced Jason to say yes. Even though he was reluctant to, he had no choice because Bruce and Alfred had looked so happy about him interacting with other people less than 30 years old.

When they arrived at the Tower, everyone was already disguised : Victor was Frankenstein, Donna a witch, Garfield a werewolf -original-, Kori a sexy mummy -which made Jason very uncomfortable and Dick way too happy -, Dick was a vampire - a disco vampire ?-, Wally was a terrifying clown and Rachel was a...raven ?

"Hey kiddo !" Jason heard.
He turned he saw Roy dressed as a zombie. He had a torn shirt which let half of his chest appear, and Jason could even see his..his nipple piercing !? Jason wasn't even red anymore, he was Crimson! Dick laughed hard and hit him on the back, watching Roy adopt a confused expression.

Jason was so stunned he couldn't shut his mouth until Dick told him he would eat flies. All the Titans laughed too, very aware of the reason why Jason's face was this red. It would be a long, long night for Jason...

They started by getting pizzas delivered and all of them had brought astonishing quantities of candies. Alfred would disapprove of so much sugar. The thought made Jason smile and relax a little. Garfield suggested they put on horror movies, and Jason was totally fine with it until he heard " Anabelle ". Jason Todd wans't scared of anything. He was a tough, brave 14 years old who had seen much more than other kids his age. Jason Todd wasn't scared of anything. Except maybe...dolls. Old, porcelain dolls that gave him the creeps. He had Alfred remove one from his bedroom in secret, not wanting Dick or even worse Bruce to know about his fear. Thankfully though, he knew how to keep a straight face when he needed to hide emotions other than embarassement. He sat between Roy and Dick on the large couch of the living room. Dick was already trying to flirt with Kori, but Jason knew damn well that only a few minutes into the movie Dick would be clinging to his girlfriend, scared out of his mind. That made him laugh in anticipation, and Roy got curious so he asked what Jason was laughing about. The ravenette explained to the redhead briefly and both of them were now giggling. They grabed a handfull of candies and Rachel started the movie.

About half an hour into the movie, Jason was feeling sweat starting to drip down his back, and it was getting harder to act as if he wasn't very scared. As he had predicted, Dick was basically on Kori's lap, clinging to her while she ate candies peacefully. He couldn't turn to his big brother for comfort if this one was as scared as him. He then calculated his other options : faking having to go to the toilets and staying there while hoping they forgot about him, but it wasn't likely they would, change seats and go between Victor and Donna who seemed like very soothing people, but he was so scared he couldn't even move, which left him with his last option : Roy. He didn't want the others to notice that he got close to him though, so he drifted next to the oldest Titan slowly.

It took him about ten minutes to get there, but he could finally feel his shoulder brush agaisnt Roy's strong arm. The tension instantly vanished, and he even leaned a bit more against the archer. If the redhead noticed it, he didn't say anything. There was still about an hour left, and even though Jason was still very scared, he felt his eyelids becoming heavier and heavier until they closed.

" Little Wing." he heard Dick whisper in his ear. 

He still felt very tired so he had trouble opening his eyes, but when he did he saw that the living room completely empty and dark, the only remaining light being the turned on TV. It was weird, he could have sworn that he heard Dick a few seconds ago...

He got up from the couch and made his way to the crakling TV. He pressed the off button multiple times but it seemed impossible to turn off the machine and the deafening white sound coming out of it.

Weird. Definetely weird. And it was even weirder that no Titan seemed here. The Tower was usually so lively and loud, it made Jason really uncomfortable that it was so quiet. It even felt a bit...scary. He walked through the corridors, calling for everyone but got no response. He started to panick a bit, an unsettling feeling and cold sweat going through his spine. Finally, he reached the last room of the building, the training room. He called for the team another time, and was greeted by an awnser which made his shoulders relax.

Jason heard a " We're here Little Wing ! " and didn't hesitate a second before opening the door of the trainin room ans sprint into his brother's arms.

" F-fuck, why did you guys did such a prank on me, I was strating to get worried something had happened to y'all ! " he said, parting from Dick who was...weirdly..cold. And his skin seemed even smoother than usual, just like..porcelain.

Jason looked up, horrified when he could finally see the Titans properly : they had all turned in old, creepy porcelain dolls. He screamed and rushed back to the living room where the white noise of the crackling TV had intensified and was now unbearable. The second Robin ran to the door, pulling it with strenght but it was closed.

" Jason... " he heard behind him

He turned and saw nothing, until he looked down and saw Anabelle with a knife, ready to kill him. She jumped on him and-

" AH ! " Jason woke up drenched in sweat, and looking very pale

" Are you okay pal ? I tried to call you but you wouldn't wake up. " Roy said, a hand gently patting the younger's back and another in his hair, keeping him tugged against him.

" Y-yeah, sorry, nightmare..." Jason replied, still pretty shaken by his dream

He looked around the living room to see that the other Titans weren't there. He then looked at the time : 5:43 am.

" The others went to sleep in their room. ", Roy explained, " I know you don't sleep well and I didn't have the heart to wake you up when you looked so comfortable against me, so I just told the others to go to sleep and fell asleep there too. Then I felt you move and mumble things and you just looked so panicked... Well, anyway I'm glad you woke up, it's okay now, you're safe. " The redhead smiled at Jason and patted his hair and back a bit more, until he felt Jason becoming heavier against his chest and he heard him snore lightly, so he went back to sleep too.

A few hours later, Dick tucked them with a blanket and took a photo of the adorable picture before him, of course not forgetting to send it to Alfred and Bruce.

Hallowen wasn't so bad in the end. After all, Jason loved Halloween.

Here's the little ( one week late sorry ) Halloween special :) I hope you enjoy and will look forward to the Christmas special and the next chapter ;)

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