5. Friends

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Jason drew the bow to his cheek with the help of Roy, and, aiming for the center of course, he released the arrow. It flew rather straight, finishing in the third line away from the center. The teen let out a frustrated groan, allowing himself to breathe again.

" Not bad at all for a first time ! You must be made for this ! How about leaving the grumpy bat and becoming my new sidekick ? " said Roy while laughing. Felling Roy laugh behind him reminded Jason of just how close they were, and he got all flustered. " Not bad ? Yeah right, you're just kind because I'm Dickhead's baby brother. I couldn't even hit the bullseye. ", replied Jason, looking away to hide his embarassement and growing stupid smile.

" Nah mate, I assure you I'm not lying. But again, I'm supposed to teach you patience so I guess it would have been boring if you hit the bulllseye right from the start ! Try again, this time maybe breathe, it will prevent you from shaking." The ginger passed him the bow again and they trained like this for a few hours, enjoying their time together until Kori told them to go shower before dinner time. They did, and Jason couldn't get the image of Roy so close behind him out of his mind, out of his body...

He went out of the shower a little more flushed than usual but put it on the hours of training. Dick shot him a suspicious glance but let it go, deciding to let his little brother alone for once. All the Titans ate peacefully, and there were even some cheerful conversations going on. Jason adapted well during the last month in Titans Tower, tough it didn't start very well every memeber now adored him and Donna was even ready to fight the Big Bat in person if he hurt his kid. Jason loved the attention, but what he loved even more was Roy Harper. And said Roy gave him all his attention, to his delight. The young man was a bit oblivious, the only one who still didn't know about Jason's huge crush on him but he liked having the kid around because he listened to his ramble about new arrows and everyhting and was suprisingly smart and funny too, a great companion. Dick was even starting to think Roy would replace him by his little brother. Still, the three of them were glued to the hip, especially since Jason could easily feel left alone.

Dick really liked that Jason came to Titan's Tower. He might have not been the best brother in the first place but he was now extremly fond of the kid, and he would protect him at any cost. Kori and him sort of adopted him for the past month, though the two brothers still visited Bruce and Alfred every weekend. Alfred and Bruce were delighted to see Jason smile again, even if Bruce wasn't very happy when Roy came along and he found out about his baby's crush on goddamn Oliver Queen's son. Not that Jason not being straight was a problem for him at all, God he even thought Dick was gay because of his costumes, but Green Arrow's son !? He even did drugs, and as a father he was scared that would remind Jason of his dead mother. Still, he couldn't deny how Roy and Jason seemed close and just how madly in love his last son seemed to be so he let it slide, also because Alfred had threatened to get angry if he meddled in his sons' buisness too much again.

After a few weeks of training with Roy, Jason finally hit the bullseye almost every time, and he absolutely loved how the archer cheered for him every time he succeded or not. Dick had also been training him to be a little less violent, but this training was going a little slower. Still, it was beggining to be efficient and Jason was starting to ask every member of the team when he could come on a mission with them.

" Come on, Donna please take my side ! Gar, Victor, if you tell Dick to let me come I'll cook extra blueberry pancakes for you ! Please ! " was pleading Jason since five minutes. " You know what Little Wing ? Fine. Next time the alarm blasts, you're coming with us. You did work hard after all ! BUT, you have to promise that you'll listen to absolutely EVERYTHING I say, okay Jason ? " Dick replied, a smile forming on his face when he saw the stars in the teen's eyes. " Yes, yes okay I promise ! Thanks Dick ! You're not that bad sometimes. " Jason shoot a grin at a sighing Dick and the alarm blast and the TItans got dressed in their flashy costumes, and within two minutes they were out the door. " Teen Titans, let's go ! "

The battle was hard, Jason never fought metas before, and he also never battled with a teammate other than Nightwing or Batman or very occasionally Catwoman so it was hard for him to handle so many people around him. He took orders from Dick and fought quite well but he took a few bad punches already and even though he hid it behind provocations, it had hurt like hell ! Roy stayed by his side to have his back and was shooting arrow after arrow, though he was starting to run low on them. Jason himself was starting to run low on batarangs and his rib hurt so he was glad when Kori and Dick handed the villain to the police after a few more punches.

Back at Titans Tower Dick congratulated his little brother, ruffling his hair and Jason blushed slightly at that, happy. Roy took him to one of the bathrooms to stitch him up and clean his injuries.

" You did well back there kiddo ! I didn't even cover you that much ! " started Roy as he put alcohol on Jason's rib wound " Careful, it's gonna hurt a little."

Jason shrugged " It's not the first time I get stitches, you know ? I had far worse when fighting with Batman." he tried to seem adult but still gritted his teeth when he felt the needle go through his skin. Still, if it was the price to have his crush's firm yet soft hands on his bare skin, he was willing to get hurt a little.

Roy was so focused on his job that he didn't even notice the blushing teen looking at him. " Alright, alright I got it, you're a tough one ! " he chuckled and finished the stitches. " By the way, you've been hanging out with me or Dick or the others for almost two months now, sorry if this sound rude but don't you have any friend ? Or..." Roy nudged at Jason " a girlfriend maybe ? ".

Jason blushed even more, if only the ginger knew... " Uh, yeah, I totally have friends. I don't have a girlfriend though, such a waste of time ! ". Needless to say, he didn't have friends. At his elite school he was seen as the kid from Crime Alley, and he was quite angry all the time too wich didn't help. He also spent his time reading in a corner, so even though the other kids didn't bother him thanks to his adoptive father, they wouldn't talk to him either. Roy didn't need to know that. It was better to play as a lone wolf than to admit that sometimes he'd rather not be so alone. " What about you ? Got a secret girlfriend my brother doesn't know about ? " he asked, curious but certain that Roy wasn't seeing anyone or else Dick would have told him already.

Roy blushed slightly, unusual of him. " You know what ? I'll tell you and only you but you gotta keep the secret okay pal ? ". Jason suddenly felt his throat go dry but did a poker face. " Of course, I'm good at keeping secrets. ". The archer readjusted his position, turning fully to Jason. " So, you know that girl, Cheshire. We kinda had a fling, one or two times. I know she's a villain and it's bad but I think I'm starting to have feelings for her."

Jason felt a sharp pain in his heart. It only lasted a moment but it was like he could feel it shattering to the ground. Of course Roy, the incredible, beautiful, smart, funny guy had a crush. And of course it was a girl. He tried to keep it together but he could feel just how hard it was getting to hold back the tears so he put on his best gala smile. " Oh, really? Well, you know what they say love comes in every shape and colour I guess. I hope it works out for you ! I'm feeling tired after the battle though so I'm going to bed, tell the others I won't be eating tonight, bye !" And just like that he escaped in his room, leaving no room for Roy to say anything. He just felt so...stupid.

Chapter 4 was bad, hope this one is better :) also as I said start to prepare for the angst, but I promise it's for the best ! See ya next week ;)

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