Chapter 16: A Taste of War

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"Deploy the men at the gate near the entrance of the palace. Hold them off for as long as you can. We cannot allow them to take our cities," Kalen commanded, his voice imbued with unwavering authority. Videre, his expression a mix of urgency and determination, nodded in acknowledgment.

Kalen then turned to the other side of the room and addressed Tassein with equal resolve. "Evacuate the citizens immediately. Take all women and children to the far-end chamber where they will be safe. Bring the extra men who can fight to concentrate our force at the entryway. Do everything in your power to save as many of our people as possible, and locate Alre. Do you understand?" Kalen's voice was forceful, driving home the gravity of the situation.

Both generals nodded, their understanding clear as they sprang into action. Within minutes, the soldiers were positioned as ordered. Tassein and Videre led their men to execute the prince's directives. They were greeted by a wave of dust and heat as they faced Marlin's advancing forces. The enemy had breached their first line of defense, and the clash of metal and the cries of battle reverberated through the air. Blood stained the ground from both sides as the enemy relentlessly pushed forward.

Meanwhile, Kalen quickly donned his armor and secured his sword by his side. Ardan, equally prepared, walked beside him, both bracing themselves for the battlefield ahead.

Kalen's grip on his weapon was firm, his focus razor-sharp. His life's purpose was clear: to serve and protect the kingdom by any means necessary. As the second-born, his role had always been to support and guard his elder brother, Ardan. Kalen had devoted countless hours to training, hoping he would never need to fight, but now that peace was threatened by Marlin's greed, all his preparation was coming to a head.

Arriving at the gate entrance, Ardan and Kalen were met with the grim reality of war. The once-familiar gateway, now a scene of fierce conflict, was framed by the smoke and dust of battle. The air was thick with the clamor of clashing steel, the cries of soldiers, and the acrid smell of burning.

Without exchanging a word, Ardan and Kalen plunged into the fray, their eyes set with grim determination. They joined Ladryl at the frontlines, where their sole mission was to stave off the invasion and keep their kingdom from collapsing. The urgency of the moment overshadowed any need for conversation; their actions spoke volumes.

Amidst the tumult, Kalen's keen eyes locked onto a horde of soldiers from Lavitica, their faces set in grim resolve as they pressed their assault. The enemy's advance was relentless, a wave of armored figures surging forward with a ferocity that tested the defenses of Silla's beleaguered forces. The soldiers of Lavitica moved with coordinated precision, their determination palpable as they sought to breach the kingdom's defenses.

Kalen acted swiftly, raising his sword to strike down an enemy soldier with all his might. Another adversary surged forward, but Kalen blocked the attack with his shield, deftly anticipating their movements. The sounds of battle were a cacophony of clashing metal, anguished cries, and the relentless toll of combat.

Kalen's determination was evident as he fought to break through the enemy's formation, his strength pushing against Marlin's men. Ardan mirrored his efforts, delivering powerful kicks and skillful blows that left soldiers unconscious. Kalen admired his brother's combat prowess, reflecting on the frustration of not being able to land a decisive blow against him in their training sessions.

As Ardan joined Kalen in dismantling the enemy's center, Videre reinforced their efforts, pushing the invaders back toward the gate. If they could secure the entrance, it would mitigate further damage to the capital.

"Push them back to the gate!" Videre shouted, and his soldiers complied with renewed vigor. The clash of blades against armor was deafening, but Silla's defenders fought with unwavering resolve. Ardan, Kalen, and Videre moved in unison, their coordination a testament to their commitment to protecting their kingdom.

A loud cheer erupted as Silla's forces broke through Lavitica's formation, pushing the enemy out of the portcullis gate. The grand statues above the castle entrance seemed to stand sentinel, their imposing presence a symbol of resilience. As the last of the enemy forces were expelled, a triumphant roar echoed through the air.

Victory was declared, and the soldiers celebrated, embracing each other with relief and camaraderie. Kalen, Ardan, and Ladryl took a moment to survey the battlefield. However, Ardan's call for silence quickly subdued the celebratory noise.

"Look around you," Ardan said somberly. "This is not the victory we wanted." The soldiers, including Videre's men, looked around at the aftermath of the battle. Helmets were removed, and tears were shed for fallen comrades. The ground was littered with the bodies of soldiers from both sides, Marlin's men among them.

The atmosphere was heavy with a mix of relief and grief. Even Ardan struggled to find words to comfort the mourning. The cries of women and children, who had been evacuated earlier, filled the air as they emerged from their shelter, embracing their lost loved ones.

Alre walked through the field of bodies, his sorrow palpable as he mourned the devastation wrought upon his homeland. The overwhelming misery of the scene was almost too much to bear.

The heartbreaking sight left Ardan and Kalen in silent reflection, honoring the grief of their people with quiet respect.


"How does it feel to be powerless against fate, Victoria?" Marlin mocked, his gaze locked on the mother and daughter before him. "After all these years, here's our daughter, arriving at my doorstep and submitting herself to my will. Your efforts were in vain. Everything you did was for nothing!"

Victoria's hand trembled as memories of the suffering Marlin had inflicted upon her resurfaced. His taunts were like daggers to her heart, reinforcing the feeling that fate itself was conspiring against her. Despite all her attempts to keep Lilian hidden, destiny had brought her daughter back into the open.

"Isn't it enough, Marlin? Haven't you inflicted enough pain and sacrifice upon me? I beg you, let our child go. She's not a possession, not a weapon for you to wield!"

"But I do own her," Marlin countered with chilling calm. "She's my flesh and blood. I made her with you."

Horror lingered in Victoria's eyes.

"I don't understand why fate is toying with me. I've longed to meet my parents and learn about my origins, but I never imagined my father would be a monster." Lilian's voice was laced with venom, aiming to wound Marlin deeply. Annoyance flickered at the corners of Marlin's mouth.

"How dare you hurt my mother!" Lilian's voice cracked with fury. "What's your goal, Marlin? To use me as a tool? To carry out your schemes against innocent people?"

Marlin nodded in response.

"That's exactly why you exist—you are my prophecy," he said bluntly.

"Why?" Lilian's voice wavered, the weight of the truth cutting deeply.

"Power, my daughter. Great power!" Marlin replied, his dry laughter echoing ominously. "Soon, Silla will fall into my hands, and I will use you to make them beg for mercy. They will kneel before me, and I shall rule them once and for all!"

Marlin stepped back, leaving Lilian in stunned fear. Was he about to launch his attack on Silla?

Desperately, Lilian clung to the metal bars of her cell. "Marlin! What have you done to Silla? What happened to King Ardan and Kalen?" she screamed, but her cries were met with silence. Her mother's sympathetic gaze revealed her understanding of Lilian's distress.

"I'm sorry, Lilian. I'm so sorry," she whispered.

In the shadows of the prison cell, Obene huddled uneasily in the corner. His initial intention was to check on Lilian and negotiate with Marlin for her release, willing to trade the stone for her freedom. He wanted to reassure her of his plan to get her out. But upon seeing Marlin approaching, he instinctively concealed himself, the grim truths he had overheard about Lilian's birth and Marlin's cruel intentions unfolding before him.

The thought of Marlin using the stone to spread further horror was unbearable. Obene's unwavering loyalty to a king who thrived on pain and war began to falter. As he reflected on his past, doubts started to gnaw at him. For the first time, he questioned whether following a king bent on destruction was the right path. Realizing he needed to break away from Marlin's influence to protect Lilian, Obene faced a critical decision.

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