twelve | 'Get in loser, we are going shopping'

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𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲

𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲

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I was twenty-eight years old. The youngest mafia don in the underworld. The most feared one too.

But Haley Morelli was one scary woman.

While everyone was greeting the girls Sebastian and Uncle Duke made their way to me.

I was standing near the door, to the right, discarding my keys in the bowl near the entrance.

"Cos'è questo, nipote?" Duke said, looking at the two girls who were in conversation with his daughters. What is this this, nephew?

I started at him "Queste sono mia sorella, tua nipote e la sua amica." I strongly said making my annoyance clear with his choice of words. This is my sister, your niece, and her friend.


"How is that possible?" he asked in a low tone.

I saw Lia staring my way and then at the two men in front of me.

Duke wasn't a detrimental man. He may seemed blunt and abrupt at first, but displaying kindness and concern for others came after he met someone and learned their intentions. Especially when it had anything to do with family.

"Parla in italiano. Non sono sicuro che capiscano ancora la lingua. Ho parlato con loro ma alcune parole potrebbero sembrare simili." I sternly said, glancing to the girls. Speak in Italian. I am not sure if they understand the language yet. I've spoken with them but a few words may sound similar.

"Va bene" Okay. They both replied.

"La notte in cui me ne sono andato, ho ricevuto una lettera in cui si affermava che avevo un altro fratello in America. Sono volato lì subito e sono stato lì tutto questo tempo a cercarla. L'ho trovata, ho fatto il test del DNA ed eccoci qui." so I explained in a small summary of the situation. The night I left, I received a letter stating I had another sibling in America. I flew there right away and been there all this time looking for her. I found her, did a dna test and here we are.

"Quindi è la figlia di Cillian?"Sebastian said. So she is Cillian's daughter?

"SÌ" Yes.

"Non c'è dubbio. Assomiglia tantissimo a Cillian."Uncle Duke stated. And I couldn't agree more. She was a carbon copy of the asshole I used to call father. His brother. There is no questioning it. She looks so much like Cillian.

"Lei fa" Sebastian agreed. She does.

"Non sapranno ancora dell'attività. Lasciamoli prima mettersi comodi e poi glielo diremo" I said. They won't know about the business yet. Let them get comfortable first and we will tell them.

Both men nodded and we went near the girls to greet them.

I understood Levias was getting frustrated and more anxious with the whole situation.

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