little trip :3

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(noahs POV, I'm so tired what)

sitting in class and listening to the teacher all day is boring, but it's quite nice when Alejandro passes me notes, I don't know when he started doing this but I like it when it happens. I'm pretty sure the teachers know that he's passing notes, I'm also sure she doesn't care. I was reading my book while the teachers talking about the world or something when Alejandro passed me a new note, immediately I opened it and read it. The note said "wanna go to an amusement park??? :)" which was really cute but also kinda dorky of him, I decided to write "yes, but only if you pay" on the note, then I handed it back to him. his face when I handed the letter back made him look way happier than I've ever seen him, I don't know why he cared so much about a stupid response. I saw him open the note, read it, and then write something on it. he handed it back to me so I opened it and read what he just wrote, "I was planning to! Does Friday at 2 pm sound ok <3?" I don't know why he adds those dumb little faces or hearts. I wrote down "ok" and then handed it back to him, he spent the rest of the day smiling, such a weirdo.

(time skip)

Friday, 1:34 pm, I was getting ready to see him at the amusement park, I put on a black hoodie and some sweatpants, I know it wasn't pretty but it was comfortable. I pick up my phone and wait outside, Alejandro said that his brother was coming to drive them to the location, so that's pretty cool. when he finally arrived I went into his car and it was really pretty, they probably bought it from how much fan money they got. I looked over at Alejandro, he was wearing a white formal shirt, and some jeans, and he also had some jewelry on. he smiled and me, I smiled back at him, which gave me a weird feeling in my stomach, I didn't know why though. "hey Noah! meet my brother Jose" Alejandro says while pointing at his brother driving the car. "hi" I say, I didn't try to sound rude but I heard a lot of things he used to do to Alejandro, I think he noticed my tone, that's probably the reason he just said "hey" to me. alejandro talked to me during the car ride, he said that it was going to be super fun and that we needed to try his fave ride. hearing him ramble on and on about how much he loved the place made him seem more than just some celebrity, I liked that. once we finally made it there Alejandro said something to his brother before he left, then he came up to me and grabbed my hand, he walked me over to some kind of food stand. "do you want anything, il pay" he said, smiling and looking down at me. "no thanks, im not big on snacks, toys are nice though" i said, i smiled without noticing, but Alejandro seamed to nodice. "do you wanna go play some games?" he asked, squeezing my hand while looking at me. "sure, that sounds fun" I said, "great! just let me order something". after he was done buying himself a big bag of cotton candy we walked towards the games, he was holding the cotton candy bag in one hand and holding mine in the other, I kinda liked it, of course, I never said that though. he buys us ten turns then looks at me, "do you wanna go first?" he asks me, squeezing my hand. the game was simple, toss a ring and pray it goes over the stick, I was pretty good at games like that. "sure" I said, grabbing a ring and aiming for the stick. "you got this Noah! you can do this!' Alejandro cheers, him cheering me on was something I would never expect in my life, I don't even know why he cares so much. I finally through the ring and it landed perfectly on the stick, which got us 1 point, and we needed at least 8 to get one of the big toys, those were the cool ones. "I told you! You're good at this," he says smiling at me, "I guess, it's easy though," I say "speak for yourself". he grabs one of the rings and starts to aim for the stick, but he ends up missing terribly, "that was terrible" I say while giggling at him, "oh come on, at least I tried" he whined.  think it was cute how sad he got over losing once, but I also have a feeling there's some kind of deeper meaning to it, I grab another ring and toss it, and I end up getting it onto the stick multiple times. we were on the final ring and it was Alejandro's turn, he aimed for the stick for what felt like years before he finally threw it, this time it finally got in and made us win.  "YES!" he screamed, and then he hugged me in joy, I hugged him back only because I didn't want to ruin his moment. they let us pick out which toy we wanted, we ended up choosing a big cat stuffy. I ended up carrying the cat all day, I didn't really care though. we played a few more games, then we decided to go on his favourite ride. it was really tall and pretty steep, but it looked super fun. "are you sure you wanna ride this, it does have some flashing lights, and you will notice them since it's getting kinda dark already," Alejandro says, looking at me in the eyes. "I'm not a baby, I can handle it" I respond in a sassy voice. "whatever you say Noah," he says, grabbing my hand and walking me towards the ride. the whole wait we were holding hands, which I did like, but I wasn't going to tell him that. once we finally got in our seats I held onto his hand in fear, I didn't know when the ride started so I was kinda scared, he held my hand back and smiled at me. "don't worry, your gonna be oka-" Alejandro said before he was cut off by the ride starting, it was really fast like he said so. I held onto his hand tightly the whole ride, and once it finished I was shaking. "you okay Noah?" Alejandro asked, looking at me with concern. "yeah I'm fine, just a little spooked is all" I looked back at him. "ok then, it's been a few hours, want something to eat?" he says, grabbing onto my hand, he grabs my hand a lot, I don't know why. "sure, i am pretty hungry" I say smiling at him. even though I know he's trying to manipulate me or something, i still can't help to admit I really liked this. he bought me a hotdog with fries and we sat down and ate together, but it was getting pretty late and I would have to get home in two hours. 

date: Oct 20

time: 12:22 am

total words: 1225

there will be two parts to this!

working on it (an alenoah fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now