I'm so tired

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(noahs POV STILL, I think this entire story will be in his POV ^_^)

yesterday was interesting, and I have to study for a test I have, but I can't stop thinking of Alejandro. he bought me a gift with HIS money! and he kissed my head! he has to want something from me. maybe he wants to look good, maybe it is because we're both popular, or maybe he wants me to do his work, whatever it is he has to be planning something. I looked down at the toy he got me, it was a little gray cat, and it was super cute. I know he seemed sincere but, he did kiss Bridgette just to kick her out, I can't trust him. I finished studying and took a shower, after I got dressed and laid on my bed I noticed someone had texted me, once again it was Alejandro...

"heyyyyy noahhhhh xx"

"what do you want"

"did you like the gift I got uuuu ^_^"


" :("

"I liked it don't worry"

":) "

ugh, he's so weird. I turn my phone off and try to sleep. I still couldn't stop thinking about him, but I tried my best to ignore it.

I woke up and checked the clock, I had to get ready for school, god I hate Mondays. I put on some basic outfit, but today I decided not to hide my face. I packed my bags and started to walk to school. once I got into the hallways I noticed Alejandro talking to some girls, I guess he noticed me because he turned around and waved hi, of course I waved back, but only not to be rude. i put away some stuff in my locker and closed it, i didn't notice Alejandro was standing next to me so i bumped into him. "oh, sorry i should have moved" Alejandro says, i hate his dumb voice. "yeah you should of" i say, crossing my arms, "why did you, yknow..." I say, kinda mumbling at the last part, I don't know why I couldn't say what I was thinking. "give you something?" Alejandro says, finishing my sentence, "Yeah! That" I say leaning back a little against the locker. "that gift was simply to show my gratitude to you" "but why-" I was about to finish my sentence but then the bell rang, which meant I had to go to my class. "you wanna walk with me to our class?" he says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it a little. "ok, but don't get the wrong idea" I say, squeezing his hand slightly too. "wonderful! let's go!" Alejandro says, pulling me towards our class. honestly, I was so focused on him I barely noticed all the kids staring at us. once we walked through the door the entire class was staring at us, well, the kids who were already sitting down were. we sit in our seats and wait for our instructions. "OK class, settle down, you have two more days to finish your presentation, I hope you're close to finishing it" the teacher explains. I kinda zoomed out so I didn't even notice I was staring at Alejandro until he stared back, which made me turn my head away. "I will give you guys this period to finish your work, but I hope you all are already done." the teacher says. I look over to Alejandro and we both walk toward the other half of our group. "so did you guys finish the work?" Alejandro says holding the hands of the two girls, "yes! We finished the entire project!" one of the girls says while the other is giggling. "wonderful!" Alejandro says letting go of their hands. "oh! And we say you and Noah holding hands! are you two dating!!" the other girl says, jumping a little. "we are NOT dating." I say in a serious tone, "aww your blushing" Alejandro buds in. "I'm not blushing you weirdo!" "yes, you areee" 'NOT. BLUSHING. AL". Eventually it just becomes a back and forth of insults and "nuh uh". I didn't even notice that one of the girls snapped a photo of us arguing. "here look at this!" the girl says, showing me her phone, I did look red. "ok this is just bullying" I retaliate. "nuh uh," Alejandro says. he is so weird.

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