thank you ballincat43

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(noahs pov)

Friday was definitely interesting, the weekend was fine I guess. I still couldn't stop thinking about that stupid Alejandro, I mean! he almost kissed me! I don't know what's worse, the fact that it almost happened, or the fact I wanted it! even after all that I still cannot fall for him, but it's so hard when he acts like this. I was dreading school, I really didn't want to see him again, but I didn't really have a choice. once I got to school I sat down in my seat, Alejandro wasn't next to me so I thought he got sick or something, turns out he was just late. it was very awkward between us, mainly because of what happened. After the teacher explained something I wasn't paying attention to, Alejandro passed me a note saying "hi <3". I didn't really know how to respond to that, so I just gave a note back to him saying "Hey". He didn't respond to me but he was staring and smiling, for some reason, it didn't creep me out this time, it actually felt kinda nice. during lunch he sat next to me, which made me really nervous. "hey Noah! What do you have for lunch?" he said, his voice was rugged yet smooth, it was weird and kind of cute at the same time. "nothing important, what about you?" I reply, trying my best not to show any emotions, which was hard when he was looking at me in the eyes. "my mom made some pupusas! you want a piece" Alejandro said, breaking off a piece and handing it to me. "sure, il take a piece" I say, taking his offering. it was actually pretty good, especially with the sauce. "wow, this is really good!" I say as I continue eating, "My mom is an excellent cook, you should come over some time, my mother makes the best food for guests" he said, smiling at me. did he just ask me to come over to his house? am I going crazy? it doesn't matter anyway. "I'd love to come over someday,"  I said in return, I think I showed a bit too much emotion because he gave me this warm, welcoming smile, it made me feel fuzzy and weird. he's really good at making me feel confused, I don't even know who I am anymore, no wonder he made it into the final three. "don't look at me like that" "But I like looking at you!", I know he wants mt brain or something, but why was he trying so hard? why was he going through so much effort just for me? maybe he does like me... no, that's not it, he'll do anything to get his way. I looked away from him, but I could still see a bit of his face, it looked disappointed, and a bit sad. I'm so confused, I wish I was at home right now. I wish I was laying on my bed watching Tiktok, instead, I'm sitting in the school cafeteria having a sexuality crisis. definitely not how I wanted to spend my Monday morning. I felt kinda bad for ignoring Alejandro, but if I kept talking to him I probably would have fallen for his tricks. I continue eating my lunch, but Alejandro gets up from his seat and walks to the vending machine. I didn't really care, the longer he was away from me, the more I could get over my silly crush. I took one last bite and finished my meal, but then a bag of chips was suddenly put in front of me. I looked up to see who got me them, and there was Alejandro, smiling and looking down at me. "why did you buy me chips?" "Because you seem down, I wanna see you smile again!" he said to me, I felt really fuzzy, my heart was going to fly out of my chest, I wish I could just kiss him or hug him or do something about all this. "thanks... I guess..." I tried my best to seem like I don't care, but no matter what I couldn't stop smiling. suddenly the bell rang, which meant that we had to get to our next classes. alejandro got up, kissed me on my head, then left. I packed up and went to my next class...

words:  749

time: 12:35

date: Oct 29, 2023

do you guys want an aletyler, noco, or trustin fanfic? suggest a ship if you want!


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