It's a date!

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(3rd person pov)

(before we start I would just like to mention that over 2K people have seen my fanfic!! YAYY)

noah sat during class, exams were coming up and noah was feeling a little stressed, he had barely been paying attention during class, mostly because of Alejandro. although he enjoyed being around and thinking about Alejandro, he would refuse to admit it, he truly didn't want to like someone who swindled him out of a million dollars, but no matter what he thought he couldn't help but be near him. noah looked to his side, looking at Alejandro. Alejandro turned around, looking back at noah, causing noah to go stiff, he managed to calm himself down very quickly but Alejandro couldn't help but notice, he smiled slightly while looking at noah. "do you need anything?" asked Alejandro, noah responded slowly, the hesitation in his voice was extremely noticeable. "can i... come to your house after class... to study...." said noah, his voice weary. Alejandro smiled softy, "sure, we can walk there" Alejandro replied, turning away and writing in his study notes. noah exhaled, relieved that he didn't have to interact with him anymore, during the past few days noah had started noticing a pattern in his behaviour, he started to notice himself becoming less weary of Alejandro, he was letting his guard down.

later after class, noah goes to his locker, it was the end of last period which meant he had to go to Alejandro's house, noah was nervous and excited at the same time, truly noah never had a crush before, or at least not one as strong as this one. he grabbed his bag and went to the exit of the school, as he walked down the hallway, he saw Alejandro walking towards his direction, noah took a deep breath in, and exhaled, trying to prepare himself for the day. "hey noah!" Alejandro says, a big smile on his face, unlike noah, Alejandro never tries to hide his feelings, if he likes someone, he doesn't hide it. Alejandro grabs Noah's hand, "C'mon, let's start walking to my place," Alejandro says, pulling noah as he walks towards the gate, exiting the school. Noah's heart races as he's dragged by Alejandro. they walked to Alejandro's house, it was quiet, but somehow very calming, for once noah didn't feel awkward holding Alejandro's hand while not talking, this made noah very worried, he wanted to feel awkward, he didn't want to like Alejandro.

once they make it to Alejandro's house, noah starts feeling stared at. Alejandro says hi to his parents and siblings, "Hola Mama, Noah y yo vamos a estudiar arriba, está bien?" Alejandro says, going towards their kitchen table and grabbing a chocolate chip cookie from a tray left out. "Sí, claro!, adelante!" Alejandro's mom says while chopping up chicken. "gracias mama!" Alejandro says, grabbing Noah's hand again while carrying the cookie, leaning him upstairs. noah follows him upstairs, not understanding a single word Alejandro says. "so here's my room, just place your bags on the floor, and take out your notes" Alejandro says, grabbing two pencils from his bedside table. "why do you have so many pens and pencils on your desk?" Alejandro looked back at noah, noah was sitting down on the ground. "oh, I like to write, sometimes when I'm bored I write stories." Alejandro says, sitting down on the ground in front of noah. "oh yeah, here! I got you a cookie!" Alejandro says, handing Noah a cookie. "so, what do you need help studying with?" Alejandro says, "I'm good at almost every subject, ask me anything!"...

after an hour of noah asking questions about school and Alejandro answering, eventually, noah finishes studying. "well I'm done with all my notes, and it's getting pretty late, maybe I should get going-" "WAIT! not yet!" Alejandro cuts off noah, grabbing his arm before he could stand up. "we can have a sleepover! I have extra pyjamas! " Alejandro says. noah hesitates for a while but then agrees. "fine, il text my sister..." noah says, taking out his phone and texting his sister. Alejandro smiles, obviously happy about this. "since you're gonna stay, do you wanna join my family for dinner?" Alejandro asks, smiling at noah. "fine" noah replies, getting up. Alejandro and noah both go downstairs. Alejandro sits noah down on a chair, going towards his mom. "Hola mamá, Noah se quedará a pasar la noche." Alejandro says. "Oh, no sabía que tu novio se quedaría a cenar, habría ganado más!" his mom replies. "Mamá, él no es mi novio, solo es mi amigo." Alejandro replies with a whiny voice as he grabs two plates, putting two tamales on each plate. he walks towards the kitchen table, places a plate in front of noah and he sits next to him. "eat up", Alejandro says, giving him a fork. "what is this?" noah asks, "its a tamale, try it, it's really good!" Alejandro says. Alejandro's brother Jose sits across from noah, he gives a funny look at Alejandro, then looks back at noah. "so, how did your date go? what did you do upstairs?" Jose says in a smirkish voice. Alejandro glares at jose, "stop it." Alejandro says, before taking another bite out of his food. Carlos sits next to Jose, placing down his plate, "ya basta Jose" Carlos says. noah eats his food, ignoring the arguing. Jose smirks at Alejandro, noticing how defensive Alejandro got at his comment, "Hey Guapo, how is it like being around ale all day?", Alejandro looks up mediately, "What the HELL did you just say?!" Alejandro snaps back at his comment. "chill out, all I said was ale-" "If you call him that again il beat ur ass" Alejandro cuts off Jose. "oooh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get in the way of you and your boyfriend". amungst all the arguement, noah sat and ate, he was used to arguing so he learned to drown out the noise. after the meal, noah and Alejandro go back upstairs... "sorry for all the arguing before," Alejandro says, sitting down on his bed. "don't worry, I've learned to ignore fighting" noah replies, lying down on Alejandro's bed. Alejandro lays down too, they both look up at the ceiling. "your mom makes amazing food" noah says, "thanks" Alejandro replies. suddenly, Alejandro gets up, still sitting on the bed. "thanks for coming over, this would have been a really boring day without you," Alejandro says, looking at noah, a small smile on his face. "thanks, I'm glad I asked to come" noah replies, letting out a soft smile. "you know your hairs all messy right" Alejandro points out. noah touches his hair, noticing how messy it is, oh, that's probably why Jose asked all those questions" noah giggles. Alejandro gets up, going behind noah and grabbing a hairbrush from his bedside table. "here, let me do your hair!" Alejandro says, brushing Noah's hair. they sit in silence as Alejandro brushes Noah's hair, the silence was comforting after all that screaming, after Alejandro was done brushing Noah's hair, he moves his head down, kissing noah on the forehead. "I finished your hair!" Alejandro says. noah looks back at him, a smile on his face alongside a blush. "thanks" noah says. "it's getting really late, we should probably go to bed" noah says, "oh, okay" Alejandro says, getting up and flicking off the lightswitch, Alejandro climes back into the bed, he rest against the wall of his bed, pulling noah into his arms. noah turns a light red, but eventually falls asleep in his arms. they both doze off in each other's arms...

(congrats! you finished reading! I just wanted to let you all know that I'm sorry for not posting regularly, I've been busy with school and I have little motivation! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! PS: when they fell asleep Alejandro's mom came into the room and took a picture of them lol)

words: 1331

current time: 1:18

date: march 25 2024

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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