halloween special!

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(third person! I finally didn't use Noah's POV! tell me if I should keep it this way or go back to Noah's POV! Also please be aware I am writing this at night and I just went trick or treating so I'm in a lot of pain <3)

it was Oct 30, Noah and Alejandro were becoming better friends. during lunch, Alejandro bought Noah a snack, which didn't seem like a lot, but to them, it was like a way of showing love. Alejandro and Noah chat and talk during lunch, they discussed who they are going as for Halloween, and they argued about the dumbest things. "hey, are you tricking or treating with anyone?" Alejandro asked during their talk, he immediately regretted it, Noah was the only person who made Alejandro feel nervous. Noah's heart started beating faster after that question, although he did notice the fear in Alejandro's eyes. "I'm not going with anyone, I don't know if I wanna go at all" Noah replied, he tried his best not to make eye contact. "what?! Halloween is the best time of the year! why wouldn't you want free candy!" Alejandro said loudly, it shocked Noah how much he cared. "are you going with anyone?" Noah asked, "surprisingly not!" "Really? Alejandro? The man every girl loves doesn't have anyone to go with." Noah said, his voice sarcastic yet soft, Alejandro really liked it when Noah talked like that. "it's not that I didn't get offers, I just wanted to go with someone I cared about" Alejandro said, playing with his food. Noah wasn't used to Alejandro being shy, it looked like a lion being scared of a tiny dog. "really? you don't care about anyone in this school?" "Well, I do care about some people, I just haven't been asked by them," Alejandro replied. Noah's mind went to one thing, and no matter how much he tried not to, he just had to ask. "do you wanna go with me?" the words uddered out of Noah's mouth, even he was shocked that he said that. Alejandro's eyes were wide with confusion and also joy. "I'd love to go with you! Where do you wanna meet up!" Alejandro said, the happiness can be heard through his voice. this made Noah's heart beat faster, he'd never felt this way for anyone. "uh, we can meet at the park if you want" "Sure! That sounds good to me!" they both agreed, then the bell rang.

it was now Oct 31, it was after school and Noah was preparing his outfit, even though he was just planning as going in some lazy costume, the thought of Alejandro being with him made him wanna look good. noah was dressed as a zombie, he wanted it to be spooky but not ugly. after he had finished dressing up he grabbed his bag and left the house. he walked to the park by himself, he also got some treats along the way. As he sat on the swings his attention immediately went on Alejandro as he walked into the park. he was dressed as a vampire, but his outfit was beautiful, and his hair was perfectly done. even though Noah wanted to, he couldn't stop staring. "Noah! there you are!" Alejandro said, he ran up to him and hugged him, which shocked Noah since he wasn't used to being hugged. "hey... nice outfit," Noah said, trying his best to hide his joy. he really liked being around Alejandro, even he couldn't deny it. "cmon! we have to go before all the candy runs out!" Alejandro says, grabbing his and pulling him towards a poorly decorated house. they went from door to door, getting candy and holding hands, some people even thought they were a couple. luckily since they were in costume no one recognised them. after going door to door they sat down to rest, alejandro ate some of his candy while Noah stared at him. noah didn't realize he was smiling while staring at him, he only noticed he was smiling when Alejandro looked back and smiled at him. "you look so beautiful today" Alejandro said, pushing some of Noah's hair away from his face. noah could tell he was probably blushing, and his heart was beating fast. "shut up" Noah replied, he didn't know why he got so defensive over a compliment, in fact, he had never felt so loved before. alejandro didn't get mad, all he did was smile at him, Noah felt uncofterable yet he didn't want it to stop. eventually, Noah gave into his feelings and leaned onto Alejandro's shoulders, it was late and Noah was extremely tired from walking. As Noah drifted to sleep Alejandro tried his best to wake him up, and when everything failed he called his brother to come drive him home. once his brother came Alejandro picked up Noah and put him in the car, and got his brother to drive him back home. during the car ride, Alejandro was still blushing, anyone would be blushing if their crush slept on their shoulder. alejandro took Noah to his room and placed him down, then he went to his house and slept.

(that's all I'm so tired and my feet hurt ): )

words: 887

date: Oct 31

time: 10:52

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