Chapter 4: Flight Of Food

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Jayden's POV

The three girls got up from their seats to get their food when that girl who sat next to my brother in calculus entered the cafeteria. She strutted through the cafeteria as if she was in some kind of broadway show except, in this case, no one bothered to look up from their meals to admire her 'entrance' or even care she entered. She didnt seem to care or notice her failed attempt to attract attention so continued making her way towards our table.

Oh God, please no! I prayed with all my heart that my eyes were playing tricks with me and Little Miss Attention Whore was actually going to the other tables. But i looked at the tables around us and no one seemed to pay any attention. Damn, first my ex and now the stupid hoe? Why am i attracting the weirdos?

I saw Peter and Evan stop in mid-meal and gave each other a look that said "holy shit, please tell me this isn't happening". I guess that im not the only one who isn't thrilled to sit with America's Next Top Bimbo.

The girl sat at the chair near me and way too close to me for my liking. Her blonde haired friend sat next to her, and on her right was where Thea was supposed to be sitting.

"I'm Kaye and i'll take this opportunity to be completely honest with you; you're totally hot and so am i so maybe we should go out sometime?" said Kaye giving me a flirtatious wink and grinning widely as she leaned closer to me.

I almost regurgitated my meal right out when she said that. I don't know whether it's her slutty hello or her smell. I could smell the over-powering aroma of her perfume when she was two metres away and now that she is leaning so closely to me, i wanted to puke. Don't get me wrong, Victoria's Secret is a nice scent and all but i think she spilled the whole bottle on herself and it made me nauseous.

"And I'm Chelsea," said the blonde next to Kaye. At this moment I could almost hear Evan choke on his food. Its either because he is laughing at what Peter whispered to him or the smell Kaye's perfume. Chelsea shot him a look and he just continued with his meal with a wicked smile. I forced a tiny smile to the two and went back to eating my meal.

So that's Kaye, the girl who kept staring at me in class. I'm guessing she has already fallen head over heels for me, but she seems pretty gross with all the skin she's trying to show off. Maybe she can be of use to my plan on getting revenge on Rosheyl...

Leighton, Thea and Rosheyl came into view with their tray of food and Thea looked at the two girls with disgust and shock. She looked like she could murder someone right now but Leighton held her back and whispered to her something. Thea's expression eased a little and she whispered something to Rosheyl. The three of them shared a look and continued making their way to our table. From the looks of their faces, something good was going to happen.

The girls set their trays down and Thea brushed the imaginary dust off her sweater.

"Oh My God, A Kitty!" Leighton squealed all of a sudden, spilling soda into Peter's tray of food.

"A cat?! Where?! Holy shit get that creature the hell away from me!" Peter said and stood up in shock. He pushed his tray away from him and everything spilled all over Chelsea.

"It's just a sweater, Peter! Leighton look at what you did, poor Peter got a fright! You know how he feels about animals..." Thea said, with that British accent Evan and her share, while smiling mischievously.

I stopped eating, this is definitely a good show to watch. Chelsea looked like she was a volcano ready to erupt. She grabbed her banana and aimed it at Thea, but she missed. And guess who she hit this time? Rosheyl, who was choking back laughter.

Rosheyl stood up, eyes slowly darting towards Chelsea. I swore I could see blazing fire in her eyes, just as she shouted "You bitch!" and threw her bowl of spaghetti toward Chelsea. But as you know, girls aren't really good at sports, so their aiming is way off. The bowl of spaghetti landed on Kaye.

At this moment, Evan couldn't contain himself anymore burst out laughing. Then Thea did the most unbelievable thing imaginable, she took her mini pot pie and shoved it down Kaye's boobs! Kaye shrieked and took her salad bowl, still quite full, and threw it in the air in a random direction.

"FOOD FIGHT!" Peter screamed while launching his pizza in the air and randomly hitting someone. So basically, the whole cafeteria burst out into a whole mess. Pizzas, salads and pies were flying in the air and I was sitting here, watching everything that was happening. I never get hit in a food fight; people tend to miss me because of my awesome agility and reflexes.

"Jayden! Join in, live a little!" Peter encouraged as he handed me a tup of his mac and cheese. I accepted his challenged and raised it in the air; It might just land on some other student, so it wouldn't be that bad.

"To the first day of school in America!" I howled as I threw the tub in the air. I felt at ease and the nervousness died down just by having fun. I expected more noise after that throw, but there was suddenly a hush as the splat hit someone.

"ENOUGH!" A female voice boomed through the cafeteria. There was utter silence; you could have heard a pin drop. I recognised her from this morning's assembly, she's our headmaster. She raised her hand and I squinted looking at what she was peeling off her polished navy blue blazer.

It was mac and cheese. And to my horror, she picked up the tub from the floor and she yelled, "You!" She pointed at me and the whole cafeteria craned their necks to look, "New boy! In my office! NOW!"


Stay tuned to find out what happens! ;)

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