Chapter 6: Kisses and Questions

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"Now, you two sit here and don't move. I will be back with your adolescent friends," Madam Du Bois said as she left the detention room. Because of this incident, that woman will never look at me the same again. So much for keeping a clean record.

"Leighton, this is all your fault! We wouldn't be here just because of your whole "kitty" fiasco just now" Peter annoyingly mocked me, but i could see a hint of pleasure in his eyes.

"How was i supposed to know that the great Peter Trey, Lord Of the Jokers, would be SCARED of adorable and tiny animals," i retorted. It ain't my fault we're here. People have their moments, don't they not?

"Why don't we just blame Thea for wearing a sweater with a ridiculously cute and disgusting sweater?" he joked. I could feel the tension in the air. I've never been alone with Peter before, he was always with Evan and I with the girls.

"That works too," I declared.

"Well, at least we get to miss class," Peter gave a small laugh.

"Touché," I said, as I fidgeted with my skirt. We don't have to listen to those boring lectures from boring-ass teachers for the rest of the day. Maybe i should have more moments like that more often...

But for now, it's just Peter and I in here. What shall we do? The awkward silence is killing me, taunting me to break it and fill in the hushed spaces. So I racked my brains for some topic or a hand-game or anything...


"Hey Peter! Shall we play 20 questions? I'm so bored and there's only the two of us here so why not we liven things up? Thea and Evan will probably argue with Madam Du Bois and 'defend their innocence' to the death so they'll take a while. Besides, we don't really know each other that well and it's getting kinda awkward..." I said with enthusiasm and anxiousness.

I'm trying really hard to get rid of the awkwardness but i feel like it got even more awkward when i said that. But it's true though, that we don't know each other that well. I never really had an actual conversation with him and we don't even have a class together. This may be the only chance we'll ever be alone in one room again. Unless I have another one of my 'moments'...

He nodded and gestured me to start it out. "Okay, but I think it will be better if we face each other so I'll know when you're lying or being sarcastic or whatever," I said giving him a wink.

"Whoa, hold it there young lady. You don't trust me? Your words hurt me so," Peter replied with a wink mimicking my own. Peter Trey, everyone. Always having something to say.

We moved our chairs from its original back-to-back position to in a way that we were facing each other, then i began...

"Favourite sport?" I began. Lame I know, but it's a start.

"Leigh, if you wanna make this interesting, ask me some good questions! I'm on the Basketball team so obviously it's Basketball," he said, jokingly and all. Can you believe him? He better have something better to say or I will stuff a basketball down his throat.

"Well, i'm so sorry to displease you, Mr Trey. I assume you have something better? Do go on." I mocked him. I get sassy when i'm annoyed and right now, i'm about to put the 'ass' in 'sass'.

"Fine, my turn. What is the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten in your entire life?" he asked, feeling all proud of himself just because his question was better than mine. Oh please, can this guy get even more douchier?

"Well, im pretty sure its that caserole we had the other week. The one with the asparagus eugh. Okay, now my turn..." I could feel the rumbling in my stomach, even though I absolutely despised vegetables, as I thought of a question to entertain Peter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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