two. blurr

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"Eliza!" I felt a tug on my arm, and looking behind me I saw Bella, clearly frustrated and hurt. I attempted to not roll my eyes at her as I pulled out my dry erase board.

"Are you okay?" I wrote. Bella looked at the board and frowned. She huffs, shaking her head, before tugging my arm and pulled me into the orange thing, known as her truck.

"Do I stink?" The twin turned to me. Ah... the first encounter. I remember this part well. You would think i forgot any and all contents of twilight, after i died? Sadly it was the one thing i couldn't seem to block out.

I shook my head.

"No? You smell like roses to me?" I wrote, my lips twitching. It honestly was kinda funny how Edward and Bella's romance would start with her thinking that she smelled like body odor.

"Liza, take this seriously! Are you positive I don't smell?" She emphasized. I sighed, Jesus Christ! Bella Swan is going to be a pain in my ass. I wiped the board with grey my sleeve.

"Yes." This only made her scrunch her face, as she tussled her hair.

"Why does he hate me then?" She whined under her breath. I think she was talking to herself more so than me.

Ahh yes, why not just shout it to the world, I am about to be Edward Cullen's new stalker! You two are sure a match made in heaven... thats for sure.

"Who?" I wrote. I know who it was, and I didn't really care too much if I'm honest. I was mostly asking, cause I might've been a little curious to hear Bella actually rant about Edward. I mean, I hated the dude- in fictional land and in reality. Hearing Bella Swan talk shit about her "boyfriend" to-be would absolutely brighten my day!

"Edward Cullen." She spat out his name like it's vinegar.

Starting up her truck that coughed and heaved, she drove out of the parking lot. It was quiet after that. Damn, Bella Swan really didn't like to girl-talk. I huffed. This sucks, I am stuck in a fictional - but at the same time very real universe - with fictional yet very real characters, and I can't even get dirt on them from credible sources. Like yeah, I could talk to Jessica and have her gossip about them all day...but her gossip wasn't really creditable. There was just...something about the Cullen's that just annoyed me. Maybe it was because Alice didn't really make a good impression earlier?

Or maybe i've always just been a Cullen hater? Specifically Edward. The guy is a creep. He's basically an old 180 year old man in a teenagers body hitting on an actual teenager. The worst part is i know he knows its wrong to even fathom a future with Bella! And yet that "pull," "attraction." whatever you wanna call it? Keeps him coming back.

"How was your day?" she asked. Snapping my head back to Bella, i pulled myself out of my head and back into the car.

I shrugged. Continuing to ignore her. There was silence for a moment before She sighed speaking once again. "Look, Eliza... i know your going through something. But if you ever wanna talk about it, i am here for you... i mean we are twins, its in my job description to love you not judge you."

I bit my lip refusing to acknowledge her.

i silently seethed. What are twins for. Well if she was such a good twin then how come she let all those years of bullying go by! How come she let Renee- i flinched remembering a fist pulling at my dark locks. Renee hits like a bitch. I thought darkly. Turning back out to the green scenery.

It was good that most people ignored me all day. Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley, the two "mean girls" of the school, couldn't seem to give me a break though. In P.E. Lauren asked, if I was a "slur" - of which I refuse to say - for not responding to her quick enough. And when my stomach growled in economics, Jessica proceeded to laugh and snort like a pig at me. Obviously, jabbing at my size. I scoffed at the memory... geez, does't she have anything better to do than body shame or insult others. My weight has nothing to do with what I eat, and even if it did, that would be non of her business. A little rumor or fact i should say, was that the greeks and romans worshiped women my size... being "fat" used to mean luxury. That you were loved and of high class. I guess the mid two-thousands doesn't share the same mindset. Which sucks ass. Its no wonder eating disorders are so common.

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