three. Void

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The rest of the week Edward didn't show. Much to Bella's annoyance and confusion, I'm sure. I continued life like a blur. The Cullen's ignoring me and I, in turn, ignoring them. Whatever fascination Alice had seen in me had died down. There was this unspoken hovering though, these unseen glances. It was like they were gauging whether to turn me or kill me? They knew something about me...either that or they feared something about me? Maybe Alice had seen something...something about my future that had deemed me a threat to their perfect existence?

I glanced my eyes through my lashes, subtly peeking at them from the side of Bella's truck. all of them were staring at me. Except for Edward, no he kept his full attention on Bella Swan. Great, the stalkee, becomes the stalked. I sighed, my lips twitching a bit, i guess being on the sidelines of the drama isn't all that bad?

I guess Edward caught my taunting gaze as he glared at me not even a second later. I quickly snapped my head down, my bobbed hair falling in front of my face as I pretended to read Pride and Prejudice, my music blaring, my heart started to hammer through my head, my hands began to sweat. He can't here my thoughts, i made sure of that, that didn't stop the paranoia though.

"Edward's back." Bella said as we both leaned on her truck. Her voice brought me out of my panic.

I put down the book, quickly scribbling on my white board- "Oh, I didn't notice." i lied.

Bella sent out a little giggle, her constant blank face and shy smile slowly morphed into blush. "He talked to me today-"


The sound of scraping tires hits my ears, interrupting our little chat. And I cannot help but curse the fact that I forgot the day Edward comes back is the day Bella almost gets flattened like a pancake. My mind, going on auto pilot pushes Bella out of the way. As I close my eyes, I brace for impact. But instead of my bones and organs being smushed, I feel someone - or should I say something pulling me down. Shielding me from the impact.

My head hits the jagged concrete. Then...darkness consumes. Along with the sweet relief of nothingness.

Cold, Pacific seawater seeped into the vehicle. The water pressure muffled my eardrums. My car rocked and bounced as the pressure against my body got worse and worse. It was...excruciating, my lungs burned, I could feel each bone in my body break. I screamed, banging on the windows, hitting the car door. Why was I here again? What had I done wrong?

"Tell Bella I'm sorry.... please..." My head snapped to the figure in the passenger side. Sitting there was Eliza, with her pale skin, brown eyes, thick rimmed glasses. My eyes widened and I went to open my mouth to say something, anything! But instead I-

I gasp awake, clawing at my neck as I could still taste murky seawater. I wince as bright lights enter my vision and pain shoots through my head.

"Well it seems like sleeping beauty is awake." A whimsical voice enters my ears. Ethereal, almost. There was this buzzing in my brain. This ringing in my ears. I look around, my brain trying to find someone or something familiar. Like mom.. Or dad... or the little twerp known as my sister. Olivia. I was in a whitish blue room. With cream curtains, heart monitors, an IV. maybe... I was in some sort of coma? I mean.. There was no way I was actually still in twilight... maybe- just maybe- I was home. God I couldn't wait to have moms bad casseroles, or hear dad's soothing voice read me the hobbit. Chapter by chapter. And hear Olivia rant about Kevin? Or was it Jason? Then again... did anything matter in this moment? All that mattered was that I was home.

Too excited, I sit up a little too fast, the room spins for a second but I quickly shake it off, wanting nothing more than to confirm my ignorant hope. But then. I saw what was now the bane of my existence. The Cullen's. The blonde vampire, playing house and hospital, gives my shoulder a slight squeeze as he attempts to guide me down. Saying something, but I do not register. Instead. I want nothing more than to throw a fit. To scream. To cry. To blame whatever being I used to believe in for sending me into this stupid universe.

"Liza!" Someone rushes over, giving me a tight hug. The smell of roses and vanilla hits my nose, I tense for a second, giving the person an awkward pat on the back when I realize its just Bella.

"Liz, you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?!" she rambled. I couldn't seem to get the dream out of my head...I could barely hear anything past my heartbeat.

"Bella, why don't you give her some space." Dr. Carlisle's voice echoed through my ears, it was gentle, but it also wasn't a question. It was a command. Chills ran up my arms. I did not want this man to touch me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, my voice hoarse and scratchy, I immediately coughed afterward.

"Oh my god Eliza are you okay?!" I nodded, not saying anything else but those two simple words; over and over again. The guilt was eating me alive. Not only was I being a selfish brat for not just adjusting to this new life- I was actively pushing those Eliza held dear away. When I should do anything to keep them safe. Eliza probably didn't want to die- hell I didn't either! But something in me screamed that I was wrong. Some malware virus on a computer. I was acting like a teenager And I might be one physically currently... but that didn't mean I was mentally. My feelings of wrong were not valid, and I was beginning to notice I had limited time on this plane of existence... who knows where I'll end up next? Once again I was going to die young... so I might as well say screw you to whatever being placed in this tormented body and do what Eliza would've wanted.

I cried into Bella's shoulder, acting pathetic. I know. But I was allowed to cry every now and then.

I should forever stay away from cars for a while.

And maybe vampires as well.

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