five. Your Power.

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TW; THIS CHAPTER HAS GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF DEATH, SA, AND TORTURE. SA scene will be labeled for those who wish to skip.

"Do you wanna come with me to Port Angeles this Saturday? Jess and Angela are coming, too."

I slammed the door to my locker shut after shoving all my homework into my bag. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Great, Bella already went to La Push and is looking into things she shouldn't be looking into. I groaned.

One week. I just wanted one week without death creeping around my shoulder. And sadly death loved the idea of Bella Swan, and Bella Swan loved to pester and annoy me. Was I really going to let her go alone to possibly be raped...or murdered. Or both? What if Edward doesn't show up in time, or doesn't show up at all? I mean...I at least can give myself telekinesis or conjure up some sort of weaponry, but Bella just has a shield. What's that gonna do in a fight?

"I'll think about it." I wrote, showing it to her.

"Oh, okay - I'll be sure to let Jess and Angie know." She smiled shyly. Before grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the murder machine. AKA, Bella's truck. I shivered.

-time skip-

"What do you think about this one, Bella?" Jessica asked, coming out of the gray dressing room in a rose prom dress. Completely ignoring i existed. Then again... she was probably trying to keep her mouth shut. It was like her mocking me was a dirty little secrete that she didn't want bella knowing.

"I think it makes my boobs look great!" she then proceeded to comment on herself. I rolled my eyes, continuing to doodle on my white board, erasing and then proceeding to fill up the blank white space once again.

"Yeah, it does." Bella smiled, but looked back outside the window. Jessica frowned, about to turn her heels back to the changing room until Angela came out.

the group of mass rapists knocks on the window of the store beforeshe could comment about anything.

"Nice!" one of the perverts yelled as the rest laughed like squealing pigs.

"Thats disgusting..." bella mumbles underneath her breath. And i can't help but shudder at how right she is.

"You're really not into this are you?" Angela shuffled awkwardly, giving us sympathetic looks. I guess she was trying to divert the uncomfortable feeling of unwanted eyes undressing.

"No, no it's not that, it's just there's this book store me and Liza have been dying to go you guys mind if we just meet you at the restaurant later?" Bella started packing up her stuff, I followed in her footsteps.

"Fine, you and Miss Piggy have fun." Jessica sneered. Most likely annoyed i was taking her spotlight. Or the fact that she couldn't get underneath bella's skin. Bella didn't comment. Guess jess couldn't keep her mouth shut... then again- bella probably didn't care enough to say a thing.

"Jess, seriously!" Angela hissed under her breathe.

I got out of there as soon as I could, a secret part of me was hoping I died in the crossfire tonight. That's how sick of this universe I am.

–time skip-

"Have a good night!" the receptionist shouted as we walked out of the native book store. I stuck close to Bella as soon as we passed the threshold of the parking lot. Having a tight grip on her arm, as my teeth ground together like sandpaper and rock.

"Liza, you okay?" Bella asked as we walked through the narrow and damp alleyway. Noticing my angst. God the one time i wish she was oblivious... maybe if she was it would make this whole explanation after alot easier.

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