Chapter seven

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Derek heard beeping.
He looked around and his eyes met with Tobee's.
His friend's were closed.
"What happened?" he said.
The nurse smiled. "Hi, Derek. Your parents will be here shortly."
Derek remembered that night—the terrible night. "Is my mother dead?" he asked.
The nurse stared at him. They nodded.
"Is he dead?"
It took a moment to calculate what the boy was asking.
"No. The man is in jail."
Derek nodded.
"Your friend is in a coma due to the gunshot wound."
He looked at Tobee. He could see that Tobee was still breathing, an oxygen mask on his friend's mouth and nose.
A sudden opening of the door made Derek startle.
The boy's eyes widened when—
"Derek, oh my gosh. Are you okay?"
Derek's father hugged his son, and Derek stared through the opened door.
The boy didn't know what to feel. The father kept his grip on his shoulders.
"Yeah, Dad. I'm okay. What are you doing here?" Derek thought his father still hated him.
The father smiled.
He held a Pennywise doll.
"Where did you get this?" Derek said.
"I saw that your doll was beheaded, but I had the same one that Tobee bought."
The boy smiled.
The father looked ahead. "How's your friend?"
Derek shrugged. "He got shot by that..."
The father nodded.
They both stared while the nurse was cleaning the tools.
The father cleared his throat. "I know that I left for a while. I'll make it up to you."
Derek cried. "It was so scary, Dad. My favorite—"
"I know." The father sighed. "The betrayal, I know. You kids didn't know."
The boy nodded.
Derek looked at the nurse.
Derek's eyes darted to Tobee, hearing a noise.
"He's awake."
The nurse put a hand on Tobee's arm. "Tobee?"
The dyed blond-haired kid opened his eyes, sitting up slowly.
He looked around, and Derek smiled at him.
"We're alive."
"We're alive." Tobee repeated back.
Derek felt raindrops slide down his cheeks, but he couldn't care less.
"Do you all want to watch something?" the nurse asked. "I don't want you two to be interrogated yet."
Derek nodded.
The nurse turned on the TV and it showed the news.
They turned the—
"Go back."
The nurse switched it to the news.
"Is that CG5 robbing a bank?"
The screen showed the musician running out of the bank with a red suit on, a bag full of money in his grasp.
"How did he escape the cops that fast? What the fuck?" Tobee said, his voice sore.
"Turn it up." Derek said.
His father next to him had his mouth wide open.
Derek saw the nurse run out of the room, one eye on the TV screen.
"He still has a gun?"
"It looks like it, Tobee."
Derek's view got blocked. "Come on, Dad. Why did you have to turn it off?"
The father crossed his arms. "I know you wanted to see the thrill, but that was the same man that killed your mother. You shouldn't be excited."
"I'm not—"
"Enough, Derek." He sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just been a long day. Tobee, your parents will be here soon."
Tobee nodded. "How long are we stuck here for?"
"Derek can go home, but you need to rest here for a while. That's what the doctors said."
Derek looked at Tobee.
"Don't worry, we'll all have pizza for dinner."
Derek smiled, but then thought about his mother...
"What about Mom?"
The son could sense his father's sadness.
"I'll figure it out. Hopefully they'll catch the man soon enough. I'm sorry."
Derek saw Tobee looking sad. "Tobee."
Tobee looked at Derek.
"At least we are all alive."
Tobee nodded, smiling.

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