Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Fifty-Six.

I can feel the absence of the block, not that was overly aware of it when it was there but now it's gone there's this freedom in my movements that I didn't have before. With all the adrenaline that had come with the surge I almost immediately crashed but now everyone knows about Aleera, and I can attempt stronger spells, there's this light in everything.

It hasn't taken long for my bedroom to become Jamie and I's room, the steam of our bathroom seeps under the door but with my back pressed against the tiles and his lips wrapped around my nipple I don't seem to care. It been electric since the start, his has me wrapped firmly around his finger as I do him and as scalding water hits his back and my hands that dig into the muscle there, I only crave it all more.

Something I've discovered, something I love is just how in-tune with what I need and despite my impatience and faux complaints, he never fails to bring me to the brink of insanity before giving me exactly what I want.

Dark hair is plastered to his forehead, blue eyes assess my body through damp strands, tongue trailing a trail up between my breasts until his lips suction around the base of my neck. Hips arching into his groin, my hand strokes along the length of him, hooking a leg around his hip and guiding his cock towards my swollen opening.

"Taking charge, huh?" Jamie teases through clenched teeth, as my hips tilt upwards, so he slides inside further, pleasure surges and moan is lost against Jamie's cheek. He pulls away, slowing pulling out before just as torturously sliding back, grasping my chin to face him. "I don't recall saying you could"

"Then you better get a move on Jamie" I whisper, "I can't be patient forever"

His forehead presses against mine, one hand grips underneath my thigh to keep me pressed open and his blue eyes darken as they hold mine. Magic twines around us like vines finding light and the coil in my stomach grows unbearable when the strength of every thrust takes the wind from my lungs.

I grasp at every available inch of skin I can, his hand stays holding my eyes to his and I cling closer to him when the edge of his pelvis nudges against my clit. "Holy fu-" I gasp, eyes falling closed as the peak of pleasure we are racing towards comes into full view.

"On the tip of your tongue isn't it" He grins, water dripping down his cheeks and mischief glowing in his eyes as his hips continue to make the world spin, my fingers tingle and adoration build up till it pours onto his lips in a bruising kiss as my orgasm slams through my body with the power of a freight train. Without Jamie's body I'd fall, chest against mine and hands dropped to my waist and thigh as his own orgasm reverberates against my collar bone.

"Fuck" I tease, head slumping against his chest as he walks us back into the stream to actually get clean.

"It's still funny to me that after all the things you have done in your life that you- for the most part- refuse to swear" Jamie muses, finally washing out the conditioner that got us messy  again.

My body relaxes into his touch, peace rushes through me whenever we get these moments alone. I never thought I would say this, and I don't mean it as a negative but having Aleera reminds me of how little time alone, I had. I guess it never clicked because Alexander was still away a lot even when he said he wouldn't be, so I didn't know what I was missing.

This point is confirmed in full force when Jamie and I emerge from the bathroom and both Liylah and Aleera are sat on my bed with their arms crossed over their chests. I could complain that I can never catch a break, but I did just have a very long and enjoyable one.

"This is weird" Jamie nods, eyes flickering around the three of us before deciding he wants no part in it and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"We silenced the bathroom when we realised what was going on" Liylah explains, as if it makes everything magically okay and not strange, Jamie only shakes his head at her before our bedroom door clicks closed behind him.

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