Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter Fifty-Eight.

Everything around me swims in and out of focus every time I manage to keep my eyes open long enough to notice, my arms shake, and my thighs burn but the unbearably good waves of pleasure rushing through my veins keep me going. Jamie's hands tighten around my hips, aiding my movements and making sure that my clit grinds against his pelvis every time I slide down.

"Please Jamie" The whimper is muffled by my arm as I turn to cover the sounds that echo out of me even with our silencing spell up.

His hands cup my bare ass, flipping me onto my back all while his dick remains firm inside of me, my lips ghost over his and my hands curl around his neck to keep his chest pressed against me. My hips shift against his just to hear his hiss of pleasure and feel the vibration of it against my hands as his hips pull out to drive back in harder, his body trembles against me as my kisses trail along his jaw before sucking at the skin under the hinge.

"You're so bloody needy Aurora" He gasps, voice ragged and strained as his damp hair hangs in front of his eyes as they flicker down the length of my body with rapt attention. "And so tight, it feels so good"

"So, so good" I nod, letting my head roll back as he hits that deliciously deep spot inside of me, he looks so pretty as he thrusts over me with ocean blue eyes fluttering with pleasure that matches mine My legs hook around his back as his mouth surrounds the sensitive bud of my nipple as I push him deeper.

Pulling up slightly he holds my legs up higher, slotting them over his shoulder and arching my back with the position. "No more smothering your moans Aurora, I want you putting the silencing spell to the test" He grunts, fingers tightening around my thighs as the intensity increases.

His words are law, and every smothered sound rings out around the small room at his command, my body is a hot flush of arousal that Jamie milks and manipulates to our greatest desires. Every hard thrust punctures my lungs, has the coil in my stomach winding tighter and as the feeling reaches higher that all-consuming feel makes me feel like I might explode.

"Oh Jamie!" I squirm, hands reaching for something to keep me stable. "Please don't stop"

"Not going to baby" Jamie reassures, eyes fixated on me as my fingers slide down my body and rub quick, tight circles against the slick bundle of nerves.

The pressure around me deafens everything else, it feels too much and not enough all at once and I never want it to end but the coil in my stomach unravels without warning. My body thrashes in his hold as he thrusts slow slightly but deepen entirely. Hot white bursts of pleasure suck the oxygen from my lungs, the fire inside of me rages true and melts me beneath him.

My legs tremble around his waist, his body shakes as his orgasm roars to life, his groans reverberate against my chest as his sweaty forehead presses into the centre of my chest. I never thought life and love could feel this good.

"You're so perfect Aurora" He whispers breathlessly, and his casual words feel like heaven when they're pushed into the quiet. Being here with him, with no reason to move is a miracle I stopped hoping for, with everything going wrong and a potion to constantly monitor it feels like I am now the one constantly busy.

"I love you" The words make me grin no matter how many times I say it, it felt like giving up on our happy ending was the only option for a long time. So now I keep both hands clenched around this new age.

The biggest negative I am experiencing right now? Not telling Jamie about all the things Liylah, Aleera and I have been doing behind locked doors. Maybe the fact that the others haven't shared with their partners should make me feel better, but it doesn't, the put of guilt continues to widen the longer we keep them out of the basement; not that they spend a lot of time in there normally.

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