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When Taehyung told me to stop smoking, I felt a feeling I have never felt because no one has ever cared that much for me..

I sighed. " uhm Taehyung. Do you like someone" I saw him facing me confusingly. " uhm yes.. I do like someone" he said and I nodded.
" Do you think they like you back" I said. " uhm.. I don't think so, and I am not sure if they are gay or not" he said

" You're gay!" I shouted with widened eyes and he nodded. " oh.. I think I like someone too." I said
" She must be pretty" That was the answer I got and I rolled my eyes.
" Ohh. She is actually a he but I don't know if I am gay or not" I said with a pout
" I also went through that phase where I wasn't sure if I was gay or not but I soon found myself" he said. " Okay.. uhm let's continue on our project shall we?" I said. " sure let's continue"

We continued with our project and we were surprisingly able to finish at 9 pm. After we finished I decided to go back home.

At home

When I arrived at my house I slowly opened my door but I saw my mother and father in the living. I took a deep sigh they looked like they have been arguing

" Where were you!" My Father said basically shouting. " I was at my classmate's house working on a school project" I responded looking down on the floor. " So.. what position did you get on your history test" he said getting up on his seat coming to my direction. I then gulped
" se..second" I said.

" what did I tell you about second place..you're such a disappointment do you know that!" He said with anger written all over his face. " I'm sorry " I mumbled. " Sorry my foot!!!" He shouted and it made me flinch hard and tears started falling down my face. I then felt a sharp pain on my cheek and I realized he slapped me.

" Jungkook!" My mother shouted coming our way but my father pushed her and she fell to the floor. " Mother!" I shouted and ran to her. My father then left the room and I was left with my mother. " Mother are you okay" I said to her but she softly putted her hand on my cheek. " I'm sorry son this is all my fault" she said and I shook my head. " it's not your fault mother. I'll try to be on the top next time" I said helping her get up

She sighed. " Don't over sturdy son, it not good for you" she said and I nodded. " Don't worry mother" I said and left to my room

I slammed the door and I layed on my bed as tears started falling down my face. I hated my life I just wanted to die but I'm scared to die

I then remembered Taehyung's words, he said he writes poems when he is stressed out. I then took out his diary. I knew I was doing the wrong thing but maybe it will help.

I flipped the pages and one poem caught my attention. It was called
" my bully"

I wish I could explain to you
Just how you make me feel
I guess the closest I get to it
Would be to say that
You make me feel good
While at the same time
You break my heart
I want to see you all the time
But I never want to see you again
Fuck you, but I love you

After I read that I felt a smile forming on my face. I continued reading and he was an amazing writer.

Lost Diary {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now