twenty two

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Me and Taehyung were currently sitting in a bench. We have been here for about 5 minutes and none of us spoke anything.

" Should I speak?" I asked him and he nodded. " So uhm 2 years ago when you were new to our school and I was dating Mia, Jackson confessed to me that he liked me but I rejected him politely but he didn't take it too well and he started hating me since then, so that's why he said I was using you for your body which I'm not"

I looked at Taehyung and he made an 'oh' face. " so now tell me. What did Jackson say to you" I asked.

He then started explaining what Jackson has told.

" He said what!" I shouted. " I swear I'm gonna kill him with my own hands!" I stood up from the chair getting ready to go beat the shit out of Jackson but then I felt Taehyung's hand touching mine.

I looked at him and he shook his head as a no signaling me to not do anything. " let's just sit here, I wanna be alone with you" he said and I nodded my head and sat back down.

We sat there for about an hour talking about random stuff and it made happy to spend time with him.

" Tae, let's go back in, we don't wanna miss the announcement of couple of the night" I said to him and he nodded

We both stood up and walked back inside holding each other's hands.

We arrived back inside and they were about to announce the couple of the night.

" So are you ready to find out the hottest couple if the night!" The girl who was s the MC said. " yes!" Everyone in the room shouted.

" Okay so the hottest couple here tonight is................. Jungkook and Taehyung" I looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me with widened eyes. " we..won?" he asked me confusingly.

" yes baby we are the hottest couple" I said pulling him into a hug.
We then went to the stage..

"Speach!" The students said and I saw Taehyung gulp. I then took the mic to give a speech.

" uhm thank you guys for voting us as the hottest couple of the night, honestly if it wasn't for Tae I don't think we could have won this, I mean look at him." I said and the students nodded in agreement.

I continued. " uh as we all know I didn't like Tae since he transferred to our school, and when I think about it, it was the stupidest thing ever. I always blamed Tae for every bad thing that happened to me or in my life." I paused for a little and looked at Tae who had tears in his eyes. I then held his hand.

" I remember the day I went to Tae's house" I chuckled. " you know that day we worked on a project Mrs Choi assigned us to do but after we finished for some reason I started opening up to Tae.

I told him about why I hated him and that I smoked. He told me that I should stop smoking because it's bad for my health" I also started tearing up.

" You know that was the first time someone has ever cared for me like that. I really love Tae, more than anything. Some people may think that my relationship with Tae is just a joke but honestly it's not. I really love him with all my heart and I will never stop loving him" many tears started falling down my face.

" I- I love you too" Tae said with a cracked voice and I hugged him and the students in the hall cheered.

"Kiss!kiss!kiss" They started chanting and I saw Tae blush. I then pulled him into a soft kiss which he responded quickly to. We then broke the kiss.

" I love you Tae"

" I love you too Jungkookie"

The end.

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