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" CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION"  I shouted and everyone looked at me and they became quite. " uhm, Taebear I did this for you because I wanted to ask you something" I saw him facing me and I smiled.

" Taebear I know that you're mad at me for what I did but I'm really sorry, I can't live like this, Taebear you're the most important person in my life. I can't sleep properly knowing that you won't speak to me, Taebear I'm really sorry"

" This is so embarrassing" Yoongi hyung whispered. " hyung please keep quiet"

" Taebear I also wanted to ask if you would go to the dance with me" I saw his eyes widen. " you must be wondering why, because I think I like you Taebear, no actually I don't think I know I like you, I'm really in love with you Taebear" he looked at me surprisingly.

A froze in his spot and didn't say anything and he looked around and everyone was looking at him. He then started shaking, I got confused of what was going on.

He then stood up and ran out of the cafeteria.  Did he reject me? No he didn't he said he liked me. But what if.

" Did thee Jeon Jungkook get rejected by the nerd Kim Taehyung" A voice said and I looked up and it was Jackson. " Don't call him that" I said rolling my eyes.

Jimin hyung then ran behind him

Taehyung's Pov

"I'm really in love with you Taebear" I froze when he said that. 'Does he mean it?' I thought. I looked around and everyone was looking at me for an answer and some girls gave me disgusted looks.

I felt my breath getting uneven and I started shaking. " Taehyung are you okay" I heard a voice and it was bogum. " mmh I'm ok". My head started aching and my sight became blurry and I ran out of the cafeteria.

I ran to the toilet and I locked myself in and I started crying.

" Tae open the door" I heard a familiar voice. " Jimin hyung?" I said and I went to open the door. As soon as I opened I felt his arms on me and hugged me.

" Tae are you okay?" I couldn't help but cry even more. My crush just confessed to me and I ran away, he probably thought I rejected him which I didn't.

I cried for minutes in his embrace. Every time something happens he is always there and I was selfish to ignore him. " hyung I'm sorry I ignored you" "no Tae it's okay don't apologize"
He looked at me and wiped the tears from my cheeks. " now tell me what happened?" He asked " I don't know what happened hyung, A lot of people were looking at me and I just couldn't breathe"

" it's okay Tae" " hyung I wanna go home" I said with a a sad pout.
" Okay Tae, I'll inform the teacher about your health and I'll take you home okay" I nodded my head as yes

Timepassed and Jimin took me to my house. We stayed together and talked we then cuddled. Every time I was with hyung I felt safe.

I knew him since I was 2 and our parents were close friends. We grew up together and when we were 5 we met Hobi hyung and we became very close to each other.

When my parents passed they took care of me and I really appreciate them for that. We always cuddled like this all  three of us and I felt close with them

When I was eleven I  used to have a crush on Jimin hyung but when I met Jungkook I realized that my crush for Jimin was just a crush and for jungkook I loved him.

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