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"How do I look?" She said to Yoongi who was focusing on his phone

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"How do I look?" She said to Yoongi who was focusing on his phone.
" You look fine" Yoongi said not even giving her a single glance.

She then snatched his phone from his hand. " hey! Bring it back! " Yoongi shouted. " can you stop focusing on Jimin and focus on me instead" she said

" Why would I do that, it's not like you're more important to me than Jimin" Yoongi said. " say that again or I'll send Jimin a break up text, try me!" She said and Yoongi gulped.

" so.. how do I look?" " why are you trying to impress Hoseok that hard?" He said and Yoonji took out Yoongi's from and went to texts

" Okay, fine you look very beautiful" he said sarcastically. " you don't have to say it like that" she rolls her eyes. " can I get my phone back" Yoongi said and she gave him back his phone.

After a few hours she arrived at Hoseok's house.

" Hello Hoseok" She said with a smile and Hoseok also smiled. " Are you ready to go?" Hoseok asked and she smiled and nodded.

They then left. They decided to hangout for the day. Fist they went to the amusement park and spent time there.

" what if we ride the roller-coaster huh?" Hoseok asked. " no! I'm really scared heights" she replied.

"Don't worry I'll be with you, let's go!" Hoseok said and grabbed her hand and took her to the roller-coaster.

They rode the roller-coaster and Yoonji couldn't stop screaming and Hoseok was dying because of laughter.

After that they left the amusement park because it was already dark and went on the rooftop of a really tall building to watch the city lights.

" Wow! This is so beautiful!" She exclaimed. " Not beautiful as you" he mumbled but Yoonji heard him

" What was that?" She asked. " oh it was nothing" he responded and she laughed.

They then kept quiet for a  few minutes stuck in their own thoughts.

" uhm about the dance, thanks for going with me" Hoseok said with a smile and Yoonji smiled back at him. " No need to thank me Hoseok I couldn't go alone you know" she responded with a smile

" uhm Hoseok?"

" yes?"

"I......uhm... I think I like you" Hoseok widened his eyes and looked at her. " Oh uhm.."

" Hey before you reject me please think about it. I'm literally the best girl in the world and every guy wants me and if you reject me it is gonna be your loss"

" ohk uhm, I kinda like you too." He said shyly. " kinda?"

" No, I love you Yoonji" Hoseok said. " How much?" Yoonji asked

"This much" Hoseok passionately kissed her after she said that and she kissed her back with the same energy.

Had to make a little chapter for them, hope you liked it

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