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Jimin left and I was alone in my bed. Soon I heard the door open and I knew it was Jungkook. I went downstairs and I saw him and his cheeks and nose were red. Was he crying.

" Jungkook why did come late" I said and he ignored me. Maybe I deserved it because I also ignored him for the whole week.

" Jungkook I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to run awa-" " I get it Taehyung you don't like me, but you didn't have to reject me like that you could've just said no. I can handle it I'm very strong you know" he said with a soft tone.

" I think we should try again and this time you should reject me properly okay" I nodded my head.

" Taebear I really like you. No, I love you more than anyone. Will you give me a chance and be my boyfriend" I looked at him and saw hope in his eyes.

" I really appreciate it Jungkook but I don't like you that way" of course I was joking I just wanted to see his reaction.

" oh come on" I flinched. " I swear you said you liked me when you were drunk!"

" I said that?" I was confused. I already confessed to him? "Yes you were like, I have a massive crush on Jungkookie and I wanna kiss him and make him mine" I widened my eyes. "What happened after that?"

" Nothing much we just made out on the couch" " WE WHAT!"

" oh Taebear you're really rough when it comes to these things I thought you were a bottom all alone but f*ck you're a top" My face started getting hotter and I was sure I was a blushing mess by now.

" look at you blushing after saying you don't like me, you really don't know how lie huh Taebear" he smirked.

" Okay fine, I like you okay." I said. " haha I just made you admit you like me, I was just Joking Taebear we didn't make out we just innocently kissed nothing much"

" Jeon fucking Jungkook I'm gonna kill you" I started chasing him and he ran so fast. " I prefer Kim Jungkook!" I could see the visible smirk on his face.

He ran into his bedroom and closed the door. " Jungkook open the door" " nope" his voice came from the room. " Jungkook please!"

The door opened and I he wasn't infront of me and I walked in and I felt my body being pinned on the wall.

He then looked at me straight in the eyes and I was looking at his lips, they looked really tasty. " look at you wanting me so bad" he teasingly licked his lips.

" You wanna get a taste of these beautiful lips" I nodded innocently as yes and he smirked. " mhh let me think about it"

He sat like that and he was leaking his lips teasingly. I slightly pushed him from my way and walked out from the room.

" oh come on Taebear!" He shouted from behind and me and I went to the living room.

I the felt his hand pull me back and I felt myself hitting his chest. "Please don't be mad at me Taebear I was just Joking around"

Lost Diary {Taekook}Where stories live. Discover now