Chapter 6

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We are now at the exterior of Pinwheel Forest, and there are actually two more Pokemon who have been waiting for me for two years: A Timburr and a Tympole. Both of them join our team after I ask them and we're also happy to meet them.

Timburr: The Muscular Pokemon: Fighting Type. It fights by swinging a piece of lumber around. It is close to evolving when it can handle the lumber without difficulty.

Tympole: The Tadpole Pokemon: Water Type. By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk.

"This is a huge forest..." Golly says.

"This is the Pinwheel Forest, as long as we walk straight through it, we can actually get out." Cilan says.

"And we should probably stop by at our Bug Manor." I say, and Iris asks, "You have a manor in the Pinwheel Forest?"

"Of course." Alice says.

After we arrive at the Bug Manor, which is on top of a giant tree as a big treehouse, Cilan says, "Amazing... just what kind of art style is this..."

"It's pretty cool don't you think?" I say, but just then, a Sewaddle picks Pikachu to the ground, and Pikachu tries to attack with a Thunderbolt, only hitting me instead. "Pikachu! What's that for?"

Then the Sewaddle uses Razor Leaf, hitting Pikachu, then uses String Shot to attach itself onto Pikachu and then uses Bug Bite. Alice asks, "Pikachu! You okay?"

"It's a Sewaddle." Eve says, "I still remember how our sister trying to get her hands on a Leavanny because she wants to be a fashion designer."

I say, "Insey just wants it because it is a Bug Type. But I can also capture it as well." But just before I'm going to throw a Pokeball, it uses String Shot to tie me up. Thanks to Absol's Night Slash, we manage to get out of the string shot.

The Sewaddle is using String Shot to get away, and Golly says, "It got away..."

"Well, there is always next time. Since you're here, why don't you all see our Bug Type Pokemon?" I ask.

"Can we? That's so amazing!" Iris says.

When we enter the place, we are greeted by Parasect, Scizor, three Wormadam, Volbeat, and Illumise. All of them are happy to see us, and we also introduce Cilan and Iris to them.

"Ash! You're finally here in Unova." Just then, we also notice that a girl is by the tree. I say, "Shelly! Long time no see!"

The girl smiles and we share a hug. Alice says, "If you're here, does that mean your parents are also here as well?"

"Why of course. Dad! Mom!" Shelly yells, and it is then two people come to us, and the male shushes us, "You don't want to scare the forest Pokemon, do you?"

"Burgh, Mancy." I say. "But what are you two doing up there?"

"We surround ourselves with nature by living like forest Pokemon." Mancy says.

"That's our pure hearts." Burgh says. "We draw, we design, and we are talented artists. But... we have been stuck in a slump..."

"That sounds harsh." Iris says as Burgh says, "Iris, Cilan, how nice to see you two again. So I assume you know Ash and his friends?"

"We're traveling with them." Cilan says. "But this is actually the first time we met your wife and your daughter."

"We've been traveling while my husband stays at the gym." Mancy says. Shelly says, "Indeed, but sometimes we come here with permission from the Ketchum family. Considering, that we take part in designing the Bug Manor here."

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