Chapter 23

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We finally arrive at Driftveil City, and we see two Team Plasma with different uniforms fighting. The black one says, "C'mon! Let's have fun stealing Pokemon together, like we did before!"

"I can't." The white one replies, "I've learned the hard way that stealing from others is wrong!"

"Oh, come on! It's too late to start acting all goody-two-shoes now! People don't understand our just cause! Don't they call you a villain who was plotting world domination? Even though you quit Team Plasma, people are still really cold to you, right? So, you might as well just come steal Pokemon with us and take over the world! The people who are mean to you now will be groveling at your feet and saying how great you are!"

"I can't... My lord N will be sad... I can't do that to him..." This white one really still believes in what I think... that's so nice.

"N! Team Plasma's king... What a joke! He's nothing more than a traitor! He disappeared somewhere and abandoned us when we needed him!" The black one says.

"Hey!" Then Hugh also arrives and crashes into the black one, and he says, "Start talking, you Team Plasma trash!"

"Oww...You're gonna pay for that! Oh, yeah. Almost forgot... I'm not supposed to cause any trouble. I'll get you next time!" The black one starts to leave. Hugh yells, "You're not getting away!"

After Hugh leaves, I turn to the white grunt, "Are you alright?"

"I'm OK! We were friends when we were both in Team Plasma... But two years ago, Team Plasma split into a group that follows Lord N, who just wants to save Pokemon, and a group that follows Ghetsis, who plans to take over the world. You can hear the rest of the story in our home. It's on that little hill next to the Pokemon Gym."

After he leaves, Iris asks, "What is going on... Team Plasma splits into two parts?"

Cilan says, "This sure is going to be a mysterious taste..."

I frown as we head to the Pokemon Center, and we find Hilbert and Hilda resting there. Hilda says, "Ash! Guys! How are you?"

"We're fine. How many ribbons do you have now?" I ask.

"I have three of them, one less than you." Hilda says.

"Though what was going on? We find Hugh trying to chase after a man with a black suit..." Hilbert says.

"That's Team Plasma... the new one." I say, much to their surprise. "Team Plasma? But..."

"Team Plasma split into two groups now. One has the uniform you're familiar with, they are N's followers, and the black ones, they are Ghetsis' followers." I say.

"Ghetsis..." Hilbert growls. "I still can't believe he manages to escape prison..."

"We hear that the White Plasma has a base next to Driftveil Gym, we're heading there." Alice says.

Hilda and Hilbert are going to come with us, and much to their surprise, we find one of the Seven Sages, Rood, there talking with a grunt.

"Sir, they're the people I was talking about!" The grunt notices us, and Hilbert and Hilda rush to their grandfather. "Grandpa! You're here!"

"Hilda and Hilbert. It sure has been a while..." Rood says.

"But how? We thought you were going to prison..." Hilda says. "We were worried."

"It is thanks to Lord N, he frees all the Six Sages from prison." Rood sighs before turning to me. "It is nice to meet you again, Ash. Or should I say-"

I say, "Just call me Ash right now. I'll reveal anything after we get inside."

Rood then says, "If you're going to come inside, I would like to see what kind of person you are." He means Alice and the others, Alice asks, "So you want to battle us?"

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