t h i r t e e n

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Tick tock. Tick tock.

I groan and bury my head deeper into the pillow, grappling with the alcohol-induced whirlwind in my mind.

The realisation that I have told everyone that I am a virgin hits. Not just anyone, mind you, but Sirius Black. That's what gnaws at me. And it isn't even so much that he knows; it's that he jumped to the conclusion that I'm not.

His question hang in the air, even a month later.

Doesn't it ever bother you, what people say about you?

I told him it did, and I had cried in front of him. Yet he did exactly what everyone else does. He made assumptions about me based on rumours.

Sure, I'm in no way innocent and have had my way with boys, but I've never more than kissing and a hand or two under the shirt.

Most are actually content with letting people think they've done more than a quick snog in a dark corner. When they boast about their escapades to mates, they get high-fives.

Meanwhile, I get side-eye daggers and have people call me names behind my back.

With a dramatic sigh, I slip from the bed, tiptoeing past Marlene, who sleeps soundly beside me.

The chilly floor sends a shiver racing up my spine as I venture out into the dimly lit hallway before descending downstairs towards the kitchen.

After setting the kettle to boil, the soft whistle a comforting backdrop, I take a look at the magnetic gallery that adorns the fridge.

My eyes linger on a photograph of Lily, Marlene, and myself from the end of our second year. Hogwarts badges proudly adorn our robes and arms around each other. My mother took the photo at the end of the year and insisted we wear our school robes, although we had already arrived at King's Cross.

Among the photos is also a small one of Lily and Snape as kids, although it's tucked behind a large photo of Lily's sister Petunia on her wedding day, a vision of delicate grace beside her rather robust husband, Vernon Dursley.

The sound of footsteps pulls me out of my trance and I spin around to find none other than Sirius standing in the threshold.

"Hi," he breathes, his voice a husky murmur that seems to echo in the quiet kitchen.

"Can't sleep either?" I quip, my tone sharper than I intended. It's just my luck that the person on my mind, preventing me from sleeping, is interrupting my sleepless night.

Sirius runs a hand through his hair, his eyes showing clear signs of exhaustion. "Not a wink," he admits. "Remus snores."

"Want some tea?" I suggest, reaching for a mug and noticing his nod, promptly grabbing a second.

There's an awkward silence as we wait for the water to boil. Sirius clears his throat.

"I'm sorry," he confesses, sincerity laced in his words, "For assuming and asking that question."

I chuckle lightly. "That's three," I note and watch as his brow arches in bemusement, urging me to continue. "Three apologies, Sirius. You're setting a record."

The corner of Sirius's lips quirks, sheepishness softening his features. "Well, I suppose third time's the charm, right?"

I raise an eyebrow, a teasing grin playing on my lips. "Depends on what you're charming your way out of."

The moment the words slip from my lips, I wish I could take them back. Why on earth am I flirting?

It seems every time Sirius stands before me, all coherent thought makes a swift exit.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄 ☆ Sirius Black ✔️Where stories live. Discover now