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In Seong wasn't rubbing it in their faces, but he wished he was.

He held onto the double-sided knife, walking with Eun Hyuk, Sang Wook, Ji Su, and Jae Heon, heading down into the parking garage to collect Hyun Soo. In Seong knew that Hyun Soo going down there was a bad idea, but no one listened. He told Eun Hyuk to wait until morning, but he didn't listen.

In Seong was going to hold this against him for a while.

In Seong moved around Sang Wook, seeing one of the monsters just standing there. He wasn't sure the type of monster, but at the moment, it wasn't moving or attacking them. That was a good thing.

"I think it's asleep."

"Let's not wake it up." The five of them moved slowly away from the sleeping monster. Inseong glanced back at the monster before walking alongside Eun Hyuk. They walked through the parking garage carefully, looking around to make sure nothing was going to jump out at them. Inseong looked up when Eun Hyuk lifted the crossbow up higher. The flashlight attached to it shined onto Hyun Soo.

He was in what looked like a sack, but there was also green slime around him. "What the hell?" In Seong questioned. As they stood there, the green slime started to crawl off Hyun Soo. "Oh fuck." In Seong did find it curious that slime monster removed itself from Hyun Soo as soon as they arrived, almost like it was protecting him or something.

It took a little bit to get Hyun Soo out from the spider sack, but they were able to remove every last piece from his body. In Seong and Sang Wook were holding Hyun Soo up as they made their way back to the entrance of the parking garage. They were stepping quietly and carefully, listening for any sounds coming from the earbuds.

As they walked, suddenly Ji Su cried out, grabbing her side. In Seong looked back as she dropped her weapon. As soon as the weapon dropped, In Seong heard the noise in the earbud. Eun Hyuk shined the flashlight over to the car where the monster was previously sleeping. "Shit." In Seong hissed, adjusting Hyun Soo's arm on his shoulder. No one moved, waiting to find where the monster went.

Suddenly, Eun Hyuk was slammed into a car, setting off the car alarm. In Seong didn't see the monster moving, it was too fast for the normal eye to see. Eun Hyuk went to reach for his glasses when he grabbed the crossbow instead to shoot the fast monster. Jae Heon grabbed Eun Hyuk before the fast monster could attack him for a second time.

In Seong, Sang Wook, Ji Su, and Hyun Soo quickly hid themselves from the fast monster. As they hid, they could hear car horns going off. Each time, the monster would run from one car to the other. In Seong looked to his left, seeing that Hyun Soo started to wake up. However, when they went to run, In Seong lost his grip on Hyun Soo.

The group was suddenly in front of the car with the horn blaring and the monster was headed straight for them. In Seong knew they were fucking screwed with how fast that monster could run. He started to charge for them, In Seong knew their weapons wouldn't be able to stop that monster. He knocked Hyun Soo off nine floors without even blinking. As the monster got closer, suddenly a car knocked the monster off course.

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