EP.2|How did I get here??

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(I love leaving cliffhangers, btw sorry that was so short idk what I'm doing)

... he drew his two daggers

"W-woah I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not a threat, I promise!" I say to Thorfinn and I put my hands up to show I have no weapons.

"What are you saying girl?" Thorfinn says in Icelandic.

"Oh shoot, I forgot he doesn't speak English. . ."I mumble to myself and remember that I can speak Icelandic because my father insisted on me learning it for some unknown reason "I apologise, I said I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not a threat" I say in almost perfect Icelandic

so wait-... Thorfinn from a fiction anime... is right in front of me??? how is that even possible?! he's not real, but he's right here I think to myself.

 "Hey! who are you and what's your name?" Thorfinn says to me, looking like he had no idea what's going on. 

"A dimension clash..." I say to myself realising that that could be a possible explanation for what's going on here. or I'm mad...

"What do you mean 'a dimension clash'?" Thorfinn asks me, " Is that your name?, What a strange name, Dimension clash" 

"Also, how did I get here?"                                                                                                                                   

"No! my name is Lily , but how you're here could be result of a dimension clash" I explain to Thorfinn , it would make sense, VINLAND SAGA's dimension clashed with ours and they combined, bringing their reality in touch with ours so therefore combining our two people. although our dimension seemed slightly stronger so now the characters of VINLAND SAGA look like humans instead of us humans looking like anime characters , which I will admit is slightly disappointing because it would have been cool to see what we looked like. 

"I mean it does make sense , I just woke up and found myself laying on the floor in here when only minutes ago I was in a night shift looking after our boats while Askeladd had a feast with everyone else inside." Thorfinn explained while giving me a precautionary look up and down to double check if I had any weapons, I suddenly felt self-conscious just standing there watching him look me up and down.

I hear the familiar pitter patter of far off feet walking towards the school, "Oh gods, we need to get you out of here without being seen and fast!" I say to Thorfinn as I grab his wrist and pull him towards a vacant classroom to hide in until I found a way to sneak him out of my school without being seen. luckily I had conveniently picked the drama classroom which had no one in it until second period because no one had form/ tutor time and first period in here.

"Hey! what was that for?" Thorfinn asked as he rubbed his wrist. "Sorry" I apologise and look out into the corridor only to see my best friend wandering about , looking for me . I pull out my phone and text her saying I'll be late for school today and could she tell Miss Francost (our form tutor) that I was going to be late. I seem to have bought myself an hour or two to get Thorfinn out of here. 

"Come on lets go" I say to Thorfinn and motion to an open window at the back of the classroom and gesture for him to climb out. after Thorfinn climbs out of the window I jump out after him, looking very cat-like in the process, it was more of a swift side vault than a jump to be honest.

"I'll lead the way just follow me, ok?" I say to Thorfinn planning to bring him to my house because no-one else was home. . . 

(help i had sm fun writing that at like 1am lol)

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